14 When You’re Lost

“The land knows you, even when you are lost.”

The watery waves, though you are tempest tossed.

And see not lighthouse, but rocky shores,

Or sun-baked fields and gorse-filled moors.

They’ll both draw you down, deep down to their keep,

To cover you over. To smother your sleep,

That your slumber be only the memory you keep.

Yes, they know when you’re lost; devour death’s sting—


And you thought you were the food chain king?

A toast to the selfless

“The land knows you,even when you are lost.”

For a cut made by a grass blade,
she comes as holy basil for cure.
For a hungry stomach,
she comes as a ripened fruit.
For a scorching day,
she comes with her tree hands stretched.
For a thirst throat,
she comes as an elixir of water streams.

Whether you love her or harm her,
she’ll only serve you,care you!

Never Lost, Hour 14

The land knows you, even when you are lost
In times of uncertainty, seek the Wild
Search the rolling hills, the craggy peaks, the blistering desert for guidance

There are lessons if we remember how to listen
Wisdom embedded in sunbaked stone
In thick bark of sentinel Sequoia
In ferns unfurling through ash,
In lush wildfire aftermath
In swollen mountain runoff streams
In twilight screech of owl
In ecological balance of all species

The land knows you
Knows your ancestors
Knows your lineage and all that’s come before
Knows your power and your insignificance
Knows your place in context of the greater web of all life
In context of all that is and all that’s ever been

An omnipresent witness
To endless cycles of evolution and extinction,
Creation and cataclysm,
Growth and entropy,
The primordial ebb and flow of everything

When in doubt, sit under a tree
Lean back, watch branches sway in gusting wind,
Watch leaves dance to forest floor

The only thing truly lost is our connection

Hour Fourteen – We are not lost

“The Land knows you, even if you are lost…” Robin Wall Kimmerer

Image courtesy of PixelAnachy at Pixabay


The Earth is very forgiving…

We are destroying our Mother,

Yet she knows us and supports us

and will continue doing that

For as long as she possibly can.

Because we are her children

How long we still have is uncertain

But we need to understand

That her resources can be depleted

And we are depleteing them faster everyday.

How many species are we missing already?

I have stopped counting

since counting is futile

Yes, she knows us even though we are so lost

But we’d better stop depleting and begin to replenish

Or the day will surely come that she will

run out of everything


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019


A Western Wind

When my tears fall and the droplets resemble the islands
a western wind from eight thousand miles away visits to dry my eyes.

When my feet tire from an incline of a long street
I can hear my mountains tease the slightest discomfort
Don’t you remember us, girl?

These brown beach waters, hardly compare to their blue heaven
where you can barely discern the line between the crystalline sea and the sky.

I run my hands through the sand
and feel the rumble of the land from half a world away.
Come home to us.

Mathura Bypass

The brick laden road of the 12th Enclave
Guides me to the pop-up stall.
I haven’t been here in 5 years,
Yet I know the way
Like a conquistador through a jungle

I turn the corner
And approach the sitting man.
I hand him my sweaty money,
And in return, I am greeted with
4 breads and two pots of rich stew.

I could close my eyes on the journey back
And hop over each missing brick and crack
Without troubling my heart.
The dung from the cows is a pungent smell.
It embraces my nose as I head back to my grandma.

I push open the metal gates to the compound,
Take off my shoes at the door,
And walk towards her with my feet on the cold tile floor.
I hand her the warm parcel of breakfast and the change.
For my arduous voyage, I am reimbursed in antique kisses.

2212 episode 3 Final Hour 3

2212 Episode 3 Final

Sergeant Jackson and Corporal Jones escape
They have a plan; to kill Lewie Pippin
They take the train from Frankfurt to Bremen
Bremen, home of Lewie Pippin

Lewie Pippin the man who started the war
Sergeant Jackson shoots Lewie in the eye
Throws him in the river
But he is not dead

In an army retirement home some years later
Sergeant Jackson shares a room with Corporal Jones
Lewie Pippin has found them
Slit and shot
Revenge complete

The Land Knows You (prompt 17, Hour 14)

The land knows you, even when you are lost.
She is you.
She never forgets.
Your juices are her juices.
Your flesh is her flesh.
In cold city offices,
In filthy concrete streets,
Dressed in your warmest and heaviest
coats and boots,
She knows you. She greets you
with cool wind in hot places,
with warm sun in cold realms.
She displays her changing beauties
whether you are there to see them or not,
in case you return.
She is one with your pain and your joy.
She teaches your children
small beauties before they know how to learn.
She remembers your people
from before they succumbed to civilization.
She has tasted your blood.
On foreign seas, in strange lands,
her breath travels to greet and remind you
she is there. Her dust will find you across oceans.
Her rain is born in your homeland
and carried to where you are to remind you.
You cannot get so far away that the land
forgets you. You are never so lost
that she will not find you.
The land knows you, even when you
have not put a seed in the earth in decades.
The land knows you, even when you are lost.
You are never lost.