Dear Joy (on your wedding day)

Your name is Janus, and you are not really getting married.

You make the right decision, today, pretending;

Though the months and years ahead

Will be the worst of your life,

Unless the worst yet to come…

What difference does it make?

I am grateful to you that I live

In this moment


Right here, right now,

Watching a mist descend

Into a valley filled with pines.

Soon, in my hand a glass of wine.

My belly full of lamb, and potatoes.

With thoughts of my precious ones

Who love me still, though they (and I)

Fear what may come from the crazies.

He was a good man before they got to him –

Those hags who thought they would sell you yet again.

Little did they know, you have a heart,

And a soul that could never dig for gold, like them –

Harvesting men like clams on a beach.

He was solid, until they hated him away from you

To fulfill their selfish agenda – that you make them rich.

That you marry the man of their dreams.

How I wish you could tell them “Dream on, hags.”

But you won’t, in your brainwashed sweetness.

You want them to love you and love him, too.

But they won’t, that feigned family.

Family values my ass! What a crock of shit they are!

Oh, how I wish you would have believed who you are,

But you are too kind. You are too pure. Too rational.

Too quick to belief all that you are taught about the world in school –

That perfect world in which people, regardless of position,

Actually do their jobs only to the extent that we assume.

Too duped into the lie that a government of the people

Could never betray a child to such evil as what you endured.

But they did. They betrayed you. And they will continue

As long as you remain a fantasy.

You are too in love with love, of which they have none,

Those wretched evil wenches who exploit you for their daily bread.

I know what they are about to do to you,

And I know you will forgive them – but he won’t.

Your husband. Drunk and stoned today so that he can

Fathom the sick and twisted plans of la familia’s clientele.

He knows, and it makes him sick. More sick than he has already become

Because of them. But he pretends that all is well since that’s what the jet set do.

He loves you, almost. At least as much as he is capable.

He doesn’t want to father your children.

He believes you will not survive to raise them,

And he is almost right.

But you, sweet Joy, are Love.

And Love conquers all.

So thank you, Love.

The sun is about to set

And this bottle of wine

Begs an opening line.

And gave it up

she wept the unshed tears of moths ago

she poured the unspent pain of many moments

she relinquised the love that was in her heart

on that one single moment

she took out the most precious thing that she had

and gave it up

Jimmy and Jeb

Jimmy and Jeb lived in a loft

Jimmy never paid attention to what things cost

Poor Jeb paid it all

Until he took a fall

and Jimmy’s saprophytic existence was lost


To be lost in thought, a walk down memory road, a lingering idea forgot, what a memory.

I watched from the outside. I never got invited in, to dance and play, still on the outside. They watched.

They laughed and rejoiced at the animals prayer, to be free, to be alive without reason. Mocked and mimicked, lust and loathed, still the animal is seen dancing.

Im on the outside with all eyes on me

A sanguine note

Stone pelts,gun shots,killings,
eyes of lost childhood,still,
questioning you and me.
the world awakes,depressed.

The serene mother,
looks bleak,with acid and alkali
flowing over all her veins and arteries,
drying her up.

Life or death,people stood,

But let’s be hopeful,
once again,
there will always be light at the end of the tunnel!


I was supposed to protect my heart
I wasn’t supposed to give it away
To feel the pain I felt when I first gave my heart away

I was supposed to protect it for falling into the wrong hands
I wasn’t supposed to fall for him
To feel this feelings I felt so long ago but I gave it to the wrong soul

I was supposed to protect it from letting my guard down
I wasn’t supposed to become vulnerable
To feel like he was different from the men I use to deal with

I was supposed to protect it from breaking
I wasn’t supposed to love this hard again
To feel like I actually found someone who could truly love me for me

But i fail my heart tremendously because I didn’t protect it. I gave it away. I let him take it from me. But its not he’s fault because I fall for him and made it easy for him to take the most precious thing from me.

I fail it because I laid my heart on the line
Knowing it will be a possibility it will get broken. But my vulnerable had me thinking if you dont let your guards down how will you every find love.

So to my heart I’m so sorry I let you down. I was supposed to protect you but I thought maybe the right one will find me. But I make this promise to you I will guard you with a purpose that one day someone special will come and protect you.

They will make you forget about that first and let’s pray last heartbreak. They will protect it with all they have. They will make you see, with them you are safe and it will be true love that one and only open handed love. So heart I got you I promise I won’t let you down…

Hour 13: Puckish

Walking down streets and singing

Nabbing a roll here and telling tales there

I tell Old Nanny May there is dirt upon her dress

And giggle while she looks

I pretend to throw the dogs a stick

And chuckle while they chase air


This is a poem I might need to come back to. I just can’t figure out where I should go from here. I like the idea of it, but it feels like something is missing.


She breaks like a wave
A spray of sea salt
Shattering against a civil rebellion

Fragments illuminated
Casting fractal rainbows
Lighting scattered shadows
Satisfaction and regret

This sea rises
This storm roils

This girl exists
This war rages


Have you ever felt invisible
Like you could be easily forgotten
If you disappeared today noone would notice
Well let’s not say noone maybe you have three or even one person who would realize your absence
Do you feel like your on a deserted island
All you wish for is someone to come rescue you
Have you every been in a crowded room with family
And you feel isolated like do they see me
Do you ever wonder am I not important to the people who means the world to me
Why I feel like I replaceable no one see me
Have you ever thought about is it me or them
Have I isolate myself
But how can you isolate youreslf when you try and try to sadly to say fit in
Feel like your apart of the family to only feel push out

Hour Thirteen – Biblioklept

Image courtesy of GraphicMama-team at Pixabay


She lingres between two shelves

And watches the library staff carefully

She hides behind a book

And quickly dodges out of sight

She sits at a table, pretending to study

She patiently waits for just the right moment,

Then slips a book… or two

Into her bag… or purse, if the book is small enough

She slyly walks toward the door

And when nobody’s looking

She walks out, tightly hanging on to her bounty.

Perhaps, if the library community is lucky enough

The biblioklept will never return


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019