Cutting It Close

4 minutes and counting

Until this hour is over

Cutting it close

Don’t know where to go

I shouldn’t have gone there

I knew inside my soul

We were cutting it close

I told him not to go to work

But at least they couldn’t hook up me up

When I had my first natural birth

Cutting it close

Less than 2 minutes to go








Hour 10

Father’s Day Hike


We drink coffee out of a styrofoam cup

and water from a canteen. You gave up

Irish whiskey and scotch and now

gripe about it constantly.

But we both know better.


Hush. There is a doe at the trailhead

one hoof held high, eyeing us nervously

the same colors as the trees in the fog. You say

she reminds you of my mother.

And that is as close to romantic as you get,

when you snap a picture to show her later.


We hike through the firs to the dock,

and strip down to our swimsuits. It’s not warm,

but it also isn’t crowded, and as you like to remind me

the lake-bottom feels better on what’s left of your toes

than concrete.


I watch you swim, like I did when I was ten

and you, buoyed by the water

smile like a child. And then say

damn, it’s cold” with blue lips and we light a fire.

Dinner is hotdogs and trail mix.


And we head back to the car

and I put you back in the ground

and I say “sleep well, old man,

because someday we will meet again.”


Hour 12 – Erasure – The Tragedy of Giving up Your Dog

For this promt, I have used text from an article that I have written recently

Image courtesy of Freeillustrated at Pixabay



Usually, it is the innocent dog that suffers most…

how could anyone who lives with a companion dog

just one day pitch up at a shelter and leave their beloved companion

at the mercy of “fate?”

And that is precisely the point: the plight of the dog owner

that feels compelled to surrender his or her dog.

Has anyone ever put yourself in the shoes

of an 82-year-old lady that doesn’t have the strength anymore

to take care of her Labrador?

Or the German Shepherd breeder that stands to lose her dogs

to messy divorce proceedings?

The dad that has to tell his kids that he does not have a job anymore;

that they will have to say goodbye to Rover?

Ever thought how such a dad must feel?

What do you do, where you know you are in a position to help?

You help of course!

But not always… some don’t have the verb “help” in their vocabulary…


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019


Original Text

One of the most prominent tragedies of “Modern Society” is the phenomenon of dog owners that abandon their dogs. Usually, it is the innocent dog that suffers most… the very one that deserves least of all to go through the trauma of losing her loved ones!

Come to think of it: how could anyone who lives with a companion dog for goodness knows how long, just one day all of a sudden pitch up at a shelter and leave their beloved companion of several years at the mercy of “fate?”
And that is precisely the point of this article. To bring to your attention the plight of the dog owner that feels compelled to surrender his or her dog.

Has anyone reading these words ever put yourself in the shoes of the 82-year-old lady that just doesn’t have the strength anymore to take care of her Labrador? Or the reputable registered German Shepherd breeder of three decades that stands to lose all of her dogs to messy divorce proceedings?

What about the dad that has to come home one night to tell his kids that, because he does not have a job anymore, they will have to say goodbye to their precious Rover? Has anyone ever thought for one moment how such a dad must feel?

And this type of scenario plays itself off over and over on a rapidly increasing basis on a global scale.
So what do you do in such a case, where you know about someone who will lose their dog if they don’t get help to keep the dog, and you know you are in a position to help?

Well, you help of course!

But no, not always… some just don’t have the verb “help” in their vocabulary…

Antoinette LeRoux © 2019

Hour 12 – A. Factual Background

A. Factual Background


Crystal T. Davis

a 24 year-old woman on a search


in subsequent events


Victim of factual justification stolen:

  • proceeds of the sale
  • deposited photos
  • a suspect officer



Her belief

Sought the master keys

To read



In a handwritten statement

[She was]

Given the key to open

The entire lock

And she was released

Last prompt for a half-marathoner…

The Melting of Molly by Maria Thompson Davies
(an erasure poem)

Melting Molly

and full –
and nobody
did anything for me

up a dancing, frolicking
colt of a girl
with a ponderous bridle –

didn’t see me, and not caring
what happened to me
in this world

put me out
for contempt
of court.

town didn’t
mean anything by
chastening my spirit –

that, I feel sure.
It settled itself
here in a valley

few hundreds of
years ago and has been
clucking over its

ever since.
The houses set
back with their

spread out and
mothers go on
hovering even to the third

Young, long-legged
boys scramble out
of the nests

decide to grow up –
where the crow
will be heard

the world

of them.


Experience southern adventures and fun.
Educational journey? Enduring heritage educates ages.
Kick it up a notch? Famous waves, sandstone perspective, hike trails, go flying through,
And walk on feet.

Hour 12: Erasure

A lonely destiny

Knew difference between right and wrong

No moral grays in life

The duty to tell the world


I used Good Omens for my erasure poem. I had fun but I wish the page I used had more words on it that felt right. And look pretty much on time XD 

Clapping for the wrong reasons

Racist black friend

you just can’t see them

they’re well hidden to look down on you.

You will be scolded for hiding the siren and the shipwreck.

To hear itself clapping for the wrong reasons.