Mountain Dew

Hush fog! You afternoon haze

Descending that far mountain shelf.

You hide fir trees from my sight!

Damn sweating sun!

Shall thee come near, oh night,

With moonbeam in the darkest phase?

I’d make some coffee for myself,

Caffeine canteen of sweet delight,

But that’s no fun

On a moonless Saturday night!

So, hush fog! We’ve stars to gaze.

Me and my sweet concrete elf,

He and his companion sprite,

Believe your pall is overdone.

We dock here for the starlight.

(Original poem) The Gift, by Ed Ringer, from Mature Living/June 2019:

The ocean has a job to do,

Pushing toward its goal.

It moves at God’s direction

To wash my mind and soul.

The sand that sweeps between my toes,

The roaring in my ears–

The simple message from my God

That erases all my fears.

Each wave that rolls upon the shore

Rolls out with parts of me.

It slowly cleanses to my core

All of life’s impurity.

Foolish man, O foolish man,

I seldom heed the call

To just give up my problems

To the One who solves them all.

I must come back; I must come back

Each day to walk its shore

To take advantage of this gift

To love the Giver more.


My Erasures of “The Gift” by Ed Ringer from Mature Living/June 2019:

The green tree has a job to do,

Important for our health.

It was taught by God above

To fix our air as wealth.


The breeze that flows upon my brow

Full of oxygen I need,

Is given off from his green trees

For breath, for life, indeed.


And just as we are partners

In this game of life,

We also help the trees

Exhaling wasted blight.


The trees need carbon dioxide

To keep their system strong,

So God devised the plan

To work together, long.


Foolish man, O foolish man,

Could never have devised

A plan so unbelievable

In God’s thoughts, very wise.


I must take care; I must take care

Of earth, and all He made,

For He made everything with care

And care by me, he bade.

Poem #13 “Era Sure”

2019 #12 Writer’s Block

There is a curve

Through which I know I must pass

There is no straight line ahead of me

And I am lost without an absolute.

I am so inauthentic

Claiming to embrace chaos and the unknown

That’s just one more lie

On top of all the others.

Fingers tap on my keyboard like electric shocks

Because if I am untrue then my words are untrue

And for that there are consequences.

Write what you know

Yet when that is fragile

Truth atop a razor blade

Impaled before finally toppling off its edge

Whose life ends up on this page?

Not mine.

I can erase the past and create the future

With these strokes

But the present turns too sharply

And remains unwritten.

A message to 12

You are older now a lot of time has passed, months years maybe even weeks and or seconds, since you last read this.

12 what a time what a year the first love, first loss, first death and suicidal thoughts, first fight, first lie, first chance to be yourself.12

Lost in the crowd impressing everyone you meet trying not to meet anyone empressions are too meak.12

Run the streets, literally all over town. I seen you. It was fun, then you wanted to be seen.12

Lost and found, you found wisdom lost; back to self you survive. Okay now lets make it simple.

You grew up fast, then they grew old, you wonder why but you know. You don’t have to work but you have to make some thing happen. If you don’t then nothing happens. You have to move. Make your own. 12.

You had money and will continue to make the coins turn dollars; investing in thoughts. Change starts with talking. 12.


Hour Twelve: Ode: My father’s absence

You are a shadow cast by nothing,
a lost god to a crumbling shrine,
a forgotten law no one abides,
the dying breath of a senile king.
You are there in each poem I write,
a ticking metronome no one hears,
a constant reminder of the passing years,
a distant melody I still can’t find.
Your absence, father, is oft’ passed through
by men who have children of their own.
They hold me and say I’m not alone
and then leave me again, just like you.
But other men are easier to miss
than remembering you, writing this.

Hour 12

Alive dreams are
in my eyes
becoming a glory.
clouds gather,
Chain sawing
my heart.
My innocent heart
fears losing,
Losing itself!
How to face
these complexities
Where is that
The wind is playing
the strings of my
These colors of life
doesn’t please me
Which is my
I am not a dream
nor a secret
I am awake
I am asleep
I am lost
What craziness!
Strange story
it is
Where it started and
where it ended
What premordial
Love it is
Unbearable fire
It cannot be started
on a whim, and
cannot be extinguished
Filling my heart
This flame
Fires my breath
This subtle pain
Now understand
It’s purpose
I bow and
Make my


I’m on an adventure
Diving into my heart
Where I will find the treasure
But first I must find
The map, my inspiration
Perhaps I could look to my love
For it brings me elation
Teaching me the new trends
There is also my family
Who is always encouraging me
But they can make things chaotic
And my love can be quite quixotic

So I look to the sky
And to the trees around
Everything in nature I spy
where my passion is found
I can soar past all the stress
and just delve in the beauty of the outdoors
Although, even better is the sound
And the music that opens doors
Through which under indeas I am drowned
These unlikely pleasures awaken my heart
and give my inward journey a kickstart
Hope and creativity
Peace and guidance
I find.
And that is where my heart belongs
Right in the middle of Nature and Sound

Animal Farm (The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf)

The sun of that same day going down,
Dusk was saluted by an instantaneous sparkle of electric lights.
Dinner and bedtime were always difficult to kill,
The night after the dance further tarnished by the peevishness of dissipation
There were no letters for either of the two young men.
As every other person, practically, had received two or three plump letters from England,
Which they were now engaged in reading.
The animals had been fed. Their silence reminded him of the silence in the lion-house,
When each beast holds a lump of raw meant its paws
Some, hippopotamuses
Some, canary birds
Some, swine
Some, parrots
And some, loathsome reptiles curled round the half-decayed bodies of sheep
The intermittent sounds—now a cough, horrible wheezing or throat clearing were just, he declared,
What you hear if you stand in the lion-house when the bones are being mauled
He fixed his attention more closely upon his fellow-creatures.
He was too far from them, however, to hear what they were saying,
But it pleased him to construct little theories about them from their gestures and appearance.

We are Louisiana

I can smell if you are from Louisiana
Something in your blood
Calls out to mine
Something in your eye shine
And gentle face
And the color of your skin
No matter the shade
Something always tells me

I am yours
You are mine
We are lovers
We are family
We are far from home
We always carry home with us
Where two or more of us are
That is Louisiana