The Night Fire

living buried

under great ash heaps

restless quiet

almost forgotten

she thundered spouted buried

steam ashes


night fire

in time

steep and thick

craggy wild fire


casts out

cinders crushed

stiff ashes rise to far countries





Perfect magnolias

Each petal precisely bloomed

A satin ribbon trails

The colour of golden cream

Every inch you step

Takes you a little bit further

From me? to me?

But I gave you legs

Use them

My hands will always be here

To replace my apron strings.

Hour 11: Shadows

I was always told to watch shadows

They hold more than secrets

If I’m not careful they will take me

You don’t notice it the first few times

But get caught a time too many

And you become the shadow

Watching and waiting to become human again


Oops late again lol. Well I should be getting on track.

On the ending note….

I wanted to take all my experiences

the pain, the happiness

the peaceful times, the chaos

the precious moments, the weird ones too

and bundle all of them into a rhyme

but then I realized it already existed

it’s a poem we call ‘life’.


Poem 12 Erasing Robert Frost

 Roads diverged in yellow wood,
I could not travel both
 long I stood
looked down one far
bent in the undergrowth;
Then the other, as fair,
it was grassy and wanted wear;
the passing there
that morning equally lay
trodden black.
if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages hence
roads diverged in a wood,
I took the one
less traveled.

Boom Done

Boom Done


Dropping dead is not that easy

It’s all in the timing

Circumstances being just so

You can’t be sitting and drop dead

Lingering on the floor doesn’t count

It’s all in the landing

Arriving to the ground dead

I’ve seen it done and trust me

It’s not for the faint of heart


TobeTT  #11