succulent turtles poem#9

in frozen wonderlands

little succulent turtles

grace the window sills

white and plain


the green effusing the room

with a gentle breath


the depths of life

are often grasped in plastic hugs


the succulents have dreams

the turtles they weave

will bear the gene of retention

and freedom,

acing lies.

Beware the Glitterers

iridescent flitters just to the corner of my eye
close enough to touch, but outside of capture

small creatures swiping at the web of dreams
a visual siren's song to come play away from safety

bejeweled wings whirring in motion designed to entrance
figments of illusion persuading unsuspecting sleepers to yield

beings of fantasy from days of magic and unicorns
lay siege on the one's who left them behind

An Epic Of Polar Adventure-Endurance

Moving about in younger years,

Sometimes brought laughter, sometimes tears!

This town, that city, a new state of mind.

Always a cool destination,

How many friends did I find?

California was golden alright,

So desperately dry.

Plan a picnic on any summer day,

With not a drop of rain from the sky!!

Boulder, Colorado, Carolina too,

Down south do they call that constant sweat,

Humidity or dew?

I’m glad i landed where I’m at,

Being older now and wiser at that!

Oh, I musn’t forget the freezing tundra of New Hampshire,

As I sigh……

There are two seasons up there…. Winter and the 4th of July!




It Devours!

“Don’t be afraid,”
say the dead-eyed tv anchors.
“There’s nothing you can do.”
Some desks are already
People are barricaded
inside homes, churches.
They are not safe.
No one is ever safe.
It just feels so empty,
so hungry.
Maybe one more soul
will fill the aching void.






The Ballad of the Bullet

Bob Armstrong lost the match, so he’s gotta leave town

There’s no one left to stop the Flame from burning Dothan down

No one is left to save folks in Pensacola, they all might just drown


But rumors around Montgomery say a Savior is on the way

He’s a masked man who’s tough enough to join the Continental fray

A man who’s bad to the bone, and he’s gonna make them all pay


He will take on Ron Fuller, Jos Le Duc and the Mongolian Stomper too

He’s a natural born hero, who stands for everything good and true

There won’t be one single bad guy left standing when this hero is through


The Bullet is loaded for bear and headed down to fight

He will be at the Houston County Farm Center this Friday night

He will avenge his best friend Bob and make everything all right


The Bullet is coming to clear the snakes from the Wiregrass

When the last bell rings Friday night and everything has come to pass

Stories will be told forever of the time The Bullet opened an Armstrong sized can of whoop ass.


My tendency is to rewrite every adjective
A dozen different times
To sketch again that eye and then again
To get THAT note perfect before moving on

While the rest of the bird
Waits in the nest
Waits for a worm
Longs for wings

If Nature made the robins thus
The Earth would be a rotten place

Hour 6

Sliding Sonnet for a Side-Bitch


The air is cold, the night is deep

and I on bended haunches creep

like feral dog, to where you sleep

more like than not, untroubled


I express a desperate whine

outside your door, the thousandth time

open up, oh please be mine

my simpering love redoubled


This pathetic vigil faithfully kept

all the nights while you slept

in company you despised except

when I came close enough to meet them


You pet me, praise me, throw me a bone

then leave me shivering out here alone

outside your oh-so-happy home

promising one day, one day I shall unseat them.


A master’s hand is a brutal thing

when encased inside a metal ring

Hour 9

And swiftly on to the next cheap checkpoint to keep me afloat until I kick into gear…

Happy birthday, you

and now blow out the candles

Your wish goes unheard



Gentle hands lift me up,
Whisper sweet things
You think I can't hear.

Plunge me down
Into the soft black,
Half bury me.

Sweet things once again
Now you give me a drink
And pat around me.

I don't know much
About windowsill life
But I'm sure I'll grow to like it here.