Half Magic


Hour Nine


Half Magic



My life has been a carrot, erupting though dirt.

I first was a sprig of green, blown by wind.


Then my crown pushed up to reveal

a much bigger me, coated in dirt

that knew I was part of a field

other carrots all around, not alone.


Sun and rain fed me, made me strong.

I was self-sustaining and certain.


No one told me about rabbits

or farmers with hoes.


…and now this happy story turns to

one of woe.





Our planet is being destroyed
In rocks and fire and flame
The moon itself has ceased to exist
The why leaves us no one to blame.
Only a few of the people who live
Will have the chance to survive.
They will live and work in space
In a station for the rest of their lives.
Many conflicts arise in space
Lives and order torn apart.
The men and women on the ship
Have to make a brand new start.
No help will come from the planet
The world they knew is gone.
No help will come from anywhere
Nothing left of all they’ve known.
Time flies on and eventually 
Eight women left to keep the race
Alive and well and going on
Though one can only help the pace.
The seven women push humankind
Into the next centuries…
     Then milleniums.
In the distant future, the human race survives
Thanks to the seven eves efforts
Who ensured it with their lives.
The planet is finally habitable
And so some people go
Down to the surface far from space
To see what they can know.
A lot of change has happened
And the people are aware
How those seven women gave all
For a world that was no longer there.

The Creative Paradox

Writing is a solitary endeavor.
Whether in your room or in a public space,
you are in your own head
creating worlds out of electrical impulses
and words.

Sure, you look outward.
You listen.
You even converse,
then take it all home with you,
or to the diner where you work,
your coffee going cold as you write.

Publishing is a social exercise.
What you wrote in private
becomes public. For a poet especially,
there are no secrets.

How do we navigate both worlds,
come to terms with the self’s two halves?


The name makes me think of a place where everything is green and grows larger than life.
But it’s a wondrous place, with magical, mysterious, miracles.
The fish breathe the air while they hunt on land. Human-kind is not immune from being hunted and are no longer the apex predators.
Life as we know it takes on a new and mystical meaning, of unheard of regeneration and flesh eating plants that seem to have a brain and think individually.
Will you go there? Will you go alone? Only you can make that decision.

Prompt 11, hour 9 ( instructions for spiritual living)

instructions for spiritual living

Walking hand in hand
the sky and land
become one
Universe sees itself
your eyes.

You are
the composer
Maker of your
own reality,
Your destiny

Work in tune
And Harmony
with nature

Looking down
at the path
We get indications
of obstacles
and objects that you
shouldn’t step on

Not to dismiss
the path to
believing that
ego-self is
all there is

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Prompt 11, Hour 9)

The neighborhood was older, when the newlyweds moved in,

There was an age difference with the children,

When the young family did begin.

The land of make believe, became a refuge to pretend.

The adventures in Narnia was a gift quite heaven sent.


A brother and a sister, reading about siblings that were four,

Though they squabbled and had hardships,

They found strength not found before.

Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter faced hardships,

More than they dreamed were true.

Learning of Aslan they found themselves,

Though their trials they really grew.


Not a wardrobe in the house, a few closets failed the test,

No door to Narnia found, though their imaginations were the best.




Angels and Demons

YES, it is true I am a combination
Like you I am an angel and a demon
A yin and a yang a black and a white
A mixture of a wrong and a right

Some days I’m easy at times I’m complicated
I won’t deny sometimes I’m doubted
Because I change my mind so quick
My moods depend on every flick

‘Cause I’m a woman who thinks a lot
Who won’t give up without a fight
I would debate before giving in
But I’ll accept mistakes within

I give respect to one who’s due
Earn it well if it’s for you
A high regard from me you’ll get
As long as you are doing great

Because we are all combinations
Of everything in moderations
And just like you yes I am one
Sometimes an angel sometimes a demon


Trust is reckless
The seed’s risk in breeching
Sanctuary walls
The wren building
In branch’s undulating safety
The colt greeting gravity
Moments after arrival

Trust is tenuous
Rent by silent absence
Wrecked by unspoken fractures
Lost in cruelty’s mirth

Trust is made
Of stiched rifts between lovers
Open arms of mothers
Of forgiveness asked
Absolution granted

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

What a strange girl she is
who avoids parties like death
who doesn’t drink, or smoke
who instead prefers the company

of her seven pets, the zoo of her home.
She reads books as they lay by her feet,
she cleans house as they trail behind her,
does her homework as they nap on her back

and she is at ease cuddled into their fur.

What an odd thing, with her hair lopped off,
nothing left to dance in the air behind her
as her bike crashes down another path,
a loud laugh crashing from her throat

What a weird chick, who gets animated
about a song or a movie
and catches her voice rising louder and louder,
thrilled to express the quirks that make her who she is.

What a funny girl.

9. The Messenger IX

BrandNew, brand new

Every day, I’m brand new

We are a lot like me

To be BrandNew, every day

Much more than new

Thousands, millions

Between the police and the BrandNew

Nobody knows very well

But all, they are brand new

Police are looking

Everywhere they can, they cannot find

A single old man, nowhere

They did not leave

On this day of New trouble

They cannot do anything outside

And outside cannot do anything about them

BrandNew, everything is New

All the time

Never the chance to grow old

Life renewed continuously, like the News

BrandNew, brand new

All the time

1 trillion times a second

BrandNew, brand new