Hour 9: Watership Down

It struck me as the name of

A vessel in distress

Like Titanic, mortally wounded and sinking

It called to mind daring rescues and

War movies and Tom Hanks, for some reason


It was my mother’s favorite

And I knew it was about rabbits

But it bored me and the other imagery took over

And I forgot about it


Until I left home and came back enough times to need something to tether me to her

To myself

To our childhoods

To the ways we are so alike

Green Eggs, Ham and Mice with Cookies and Milk

My name isn’t Sam.

I won’t pester you to eat

Foods that have somehow managed to survive years beyond their shelf life.

I won’t ask you to do silly things like give mice cookies or milk in glasses.

Instead, I’ll invite you to come spend days in the sun

A day with me and you’ll understand the pleasantness of sharing farmer’s tans.

I won’t beg you to go on trips all over,

Instead, I’ll invite you to shovel stalls filled with poo

And I’ll show you the time you ever had-

With a horse under your ass.

Yep, hang with me and you will see-

This is life as it’s meant to be-

And it’s better than any kid’s story could possibly be!

A Boy’s Life (Robert McGammon) or The Musings of a Little Girl

Boys have all the fun
They get play all day and run
They can fall down and get dirty
While I gotta sit back and be purty
Prim and proper is the way of the land
You gotta learn how to act to get a husband
No running, no jumping, no skinned up knees
You gotta be a lady and learn how to please
Boys got it made I swear it’s true
Sometimes I wish I was a boy too

Sex and Death to the Age Fourteen

your average american child has no idea about death and sex is taboo

but violence and rape define the culture

add celebrity and you’ve got quite the American dream

Spot’s sex is violent and Jane is addicted to the sound of her own voice

maybe one day we will all figure out how to make sense of the nothing that consumes the minds of the unimpacted.

But we are all impacted even if we can’t feel anything

Time To Sleep Again (2019 Poem 5)

Sunny days without end
Feeling lost without a friend
Empty house waiting for life and family

Books to entertain every mind
Large glasses full of red wine
Duelling couches ready for napping

Dogs curled up for the afternoon
Hoping that I will meet you soon
Crackling fires on cool nights

Wondering at this fantasy
I ask for you to wait for me
Time to sleep again




Hail brings devastation

A chaotic nature from birth

Hagalaz will make or break

A test of your self-worth


To defeat, one must show grace

Show courage and defiance,

Looking impossibility in the face

If weak, death is your alliance


The cold will cleanse

The dark will permeate

But Hagalaz is where, alone

You will germinate


As the ice melts into water

The damage becomes undone

You now have a chance

To once again become



Speaker for the Dead

Rarely do we get the chance to stand in front of an audience and speak our minds.

I love Dad more than anyone and I’m nervous for when he leaves.

It seems like a long way off and it’ll be here before we know it.

If I could have just one more day with him, it would be enough.

I want to be ready for that moment when I can speak for him. I want to represent him well.

The secret is to just get out of the way.



Song poem

Drinking one shot to two; I’m not thinking about you. Hello Stranger, plays on the radio I’m laughing with a friend and the world is alright.

That song comes on, I ignored your name. The bar world quiets to you sing, I keep my back turned holding a laugh. An elbow and a joke.

Its all in my head, I turn left I turn right your memory is all I saw. Blink thrice and I’m laughing with a friend. The bar world is back to its chaos

“Check her out!” A woman in red. “Beware the woman in red.” She must have heard; turned with a smile locked eyes and with a wink goodbye she walked out the door.

Rushing and I can

Rushing and I Can
Virginia Carraway Stark

Sometimes when I’m rushing
I have to wonder why
there are way more missiles
and satellites
than stars
than I can count in the sky
sometimes when I can
I wonder why
I let so many golden chances pass me by
Laughing and running
With flowers in my hair
Should I have been wiser?
Or was that part of the golden afternoon?
When I saw that I was covered in flowers
Did they evaporate into the air?
Sometimes on the pyre
I have to wonder why
the children were ever brought into things
especially myself
I have to wonder when
and who
thought they had the say
that dignity was more important
that childhood anyway

Don’t break the china on my riddle
my words are all in vain
the past has passed
the future’s come
lets enjoy it anyway!

Familiar Stranger

The fire burned low

And a chill found my bones

As in the desolation of the moment I waited

The wind outside howled

And the rain began to pound

But still I sat with my eyes fixed on the door

The candles flickered

And the shutters clapped

But i knew inside he would always be back

My heart raced

As my lungs kept pace

In a delirium I almost succumb

With a loud creak

enough to peep

He beckoned me off this mortal coil