El Gato Loco (Hour Eight, A Sevenling)

El Gato Loco

(The Crazy Cat)


A tiny ball of orange fur,

with matted eyes and flea-filled ears,

we rescued her from sudden death beneath our tires.


Mothered by a long little wiener and a gentle giant Boxer,

she never knew she was a cat.

In her confusion, we called her Caitlyn.


…until the day ‘she’ splayed her legs, showed her balls, and became known as “BRUCE.”








*********This is the true story of our ‘rescue’ cat Bruce. If not for the cries of his daughter, my boyfriend would have crushed the poor kitty. Instead they brought the poor baby to me. We nursed the kitty to health and our dogs, a mild mannered motherly Dachshund and a 90 pound Boxer who thought he was a lap dog, raised the kitty as their own, teaching kitty to beg, eat dog food, chase balls even. Kitty went through several names: Angel (because we saved kitty on the anniversary of the day I’d lost my beloved cat Sweet Pea); Owwbitch (because kitty loved to gnaw on toes; Caitlyn (identity crisis); and finally Bruce, once we discovered ‘she’ was ACTUALLY a ‘he’.**********

(A sevenling is composed of seven lines. Lines 1-3 should contain connected or contrasting statements or list three details. Lines 4-6 should also contain three details or else connected or contrasting statements. Line 7 should serve as a punch line, juxtaposition, or narrative summary.)

Entry 9 Half-Marathon 23.00 EU time — Bird In A Field


I wonder… can you see it?

There it is!  That plumage –

how can you miss it!

There it is again,

and now it’s calling its mate.

Can you spot it?  There!

Can you see that tuft of grass?

There near those rocks.

Maybe there are eggs there.

You say there’s a salamander,

that one with the long tongue,

and he’s hunting for food.

You can see it?  That tongue –

how could I miss it!



Homogenic Love




Seeing the heterogenic realm of understanding in life

Fallacy of encroachment leading to a myth story

Underlying pointers seeing the points of a resolute


Leaping in the heart of a man and a man

Traversing a homogenic perspective

Grasping into a legendary tales of encouragement


An identity in its security

Guarding the status quo

Acceptance of another in new course


Prompt # 12 Hour # 9

5:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019

The Giver

Poem 9

The Giver of knowledge,
Of love,
Of truth,
The Giver of Age
Of wisdom,
Of youth.
The Giver of Life
Has given me all.
He paid for my sins
Through His death
On the cross



8. Advice to my Children

My advice to my children,

Education! Education! Education!

Nothing better to open an individual’s mind

Where there is love for learning, you will find.


Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave,

this injunction,  you must follow,

will guide you rightly to behave,

through lifes every high and low.


Education is the key to success,

it opens up every door

towards progress

without which you will be intellectually poor.


Once you have tasted the sweetness of education,

you would find peace of mind and liberation

and without education

you open yourself to oppression



Remember in the springtime when the Rose’s were in bloom?

The garden was soaked with rain drops,  and was alive with their perfume.

You promised me your heart,  kissed my lips and promised we would never part.

But as springtime turned to summer,  and autumn filled the air,  then winter froze the the roses.

You said you didn’t care.

Once a thing of beauty can now only bring me pain,  when I see springtime bring the roses in the rain…

C. Burgess (c)


As an avid reader
It is always a
Life changing experience
To find
Not merely a book
But a series
Which will touch you
Long after the book
Or the series
Has ended
My hat is off
To Ms Gabaldon
For providing just that
And then some
In her Outlander series

(Book 99 #19335)

From Selfhood to Being



Underlying layers of a person leading a self to be unearth

Underneath circumstances leading to its own findings

Fulfilling the dimensions of knowledge of a self

Confounding tremors of exchanges forming into a being

To transcend and to lead a path to his Being

Be a part of fulfillment unto life




Prompt # 11 Hour # 9

5:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019