Lost in A Glance, Hour 8

Caught my eyes from across the room and left me transfixed

Heart skipped, soul sucked into your presence for a nanosecond, then released

Gave me a hint of the depths beyond those curious brown irises,
A lingering taste of those mysteries beneath

It left me insatiable,
Barely able to breathe, palms sweaty
Completely disarmed by a glance, a smile, Batted your eyes and brought me to my knees

Everything I need contained within that moment
That held gaze across a room the only necessary component for my existence, everything else now inconsequential and mundane…

Until you wave to the guy standing behind me and call his name

What a shame



A home is a place
Of love, acceptance,
Peace, and security.

Your arms are
My home, my solace
My peace, and my life.

I can’t live without you.

A Cold

A cold in olden times
Rests easy with Vicks VapoRub,
Mirinda and SkyFlakes.

In this, the present,
A cold demands a drop of blood,
Cold steel on your skin, a drug.

And she sleeps, it’s winter.


Wide and wild
Untamable and unfathomable

Waves crashing
Riptides pulling

When you enter me
I enter you

Taking you in
And being taken with you

As you sink into my depths
I sink into yours

Swirling around you
My presence taking oxygen’s place
My absence the effervescence that rises to the surface

I dance in your hair delighted
Twisting through it
Like kelp, it moves with me

I ease into your chest
When you breath it is only me
I lay my body over and around yours
There are no hard places here

I hold you and am held within you
I flow into your shape
Softly contained and containing

Hour 8 – (Sevenling)

She her hair was always a mess

As told by her only pet crow

When she was startled by a boom


By her laid a locked chest

Inside it her secrets she’d stow

And return behind her loom


…But she had long been laid to rest

Sevenling (our planet)

Our planet is a miracle:
dramatic waterfalls, soaring mountains,
brilliantly colored birds.

Our planet is in peril:
whales and dolphins washing up on our shores,
starving polar bears, the collapse of ecosystems.

The time is now.

Prompt 10, Hour 8 Sevenling ?

The yard had an unmarked grave.

sad flowers, pine trees lined up like soldiers,

And the blue house with treasures.

A ghost lingered.

The sun set too soon, shadows convinced the children there were monsters

And the blue house has no treasure map.

Nobody came back for the dead.

Buses at 2 a.m. (hour 5)

I was awoken at 2 a.m. by my Dad,

“Come on!” he roared, “You have a bus to catch”,

Startled and confused, I rose out of bed,

“What bus? For what?”

He rolled his eyes, “School dummy!”


I stared at him in horror,

It was 2.am, for god’s sake!

I walked downstairs, to the kitchen,

and made myself a coffee,

But I didn’t drink it, instead I fell asleep standing up,


I awoke outside and in a daze,

To hear an engine call out my name?

Bewildered, I looked out my front gate,

And sure enough it was my bus driving away

I yelled and cried, “Wait for me!!”


But it drove away without me,

Until it was just a green dot on the road,

I heard a faint meowing from behind me,

I looked over my shoulder,

It was my cat!


But it’s eyes were huge,

And it was stuck in a slinky,

My eyes widened,

I had to get him out!

I rushed over to him,

But he shrieked and ran away,


He ran out onto the road,

And I chased after him,

Remembering that I was still in my PJ’s,

He stopped, and stared at me,

I picked him up and scolded him,

But the sound of a horn, caused me to almost drop him,

I saw the front of the bus just as everything went black