My first sevenling

She was childless

as a fern is flowerless.

But she loved babies.


He was a Casanova

and proud as a peacock.

But he hated lullabies.


Though, they met one day on comprimises’ bridge. (more…)

My Piano Friend

The keys, some are white;

Black, the others be.

Major combinations.


Some like their music loud;

Others soft and tender.

Jazz, rock, country twang


…All in tune, with me.


A verdant meadow flush with bluebonnets
rushes by under their tiny feet.
The smaller one points and cries joyously,
and the elder squeals with delight,
and both run toward a fluttering gem.
A black and yellow glory
chased by two giggling pixies
in the warm Texas Spring.

I know that in days or weeks,
Nature will bury this field of joys
with a carpet of spikes and stings.
In weeks or months, the butterfly,
the insect they chase will die,
perhaps mating first, perhaps not.
In years, my children will grow,
and their smiles will sadden,
under weight of wisdom and years.

But this day, Texas is green and kind.
This hour, the butterfly swoops and bounces
like a fairy child at play.
This minute, my daughters know only laughter.
This moment, time loses.

Hour #8, Prompt #10


We spent years looking for the perfect house –

200 years old, wide pine floors, walk-in fireplace

with huge central chimney, beech tree, and space for gardens.


We lived longest in an angular house, modern

with high ceilings in odd places, lots of windows

but too many bathrooms, and space for the kids to grow.


I can’t wait to move to my small cottage, alone.

Sevenling (Two directions)

Two directions traversed at once
the map folded in half
and deliberately marked

Signposts conspicuously absent
the face of the compass blank
with the needle missing

This is quite a journey


(22 June 2019, Hour Eight)

Hour 8 – sevenling


it is a pulse of light

a twinkle in the night

a fairy spark full of magic


it is a creepy-crawly

a six-legged beastie

a bug


it is a firefly


Hour 8: Stars

The stars were once bright spots

But now they are spots of fire

Burning all that they touch

Once full of stories

Now full of horrors

We don’t name them for our gods now

But of poisons and death

The stars shine for pain now

No linger for beauty


I wasn’t feeling the form prompt so I looked through Pinterest instead.