Prompt ten hour eight

I will go under,

the maple, hiding from the rain,

feet deep in mud.


I will go above,

ever changing leaves and rainbows,

finding clouds to drop from.


No matter the weather, I will.


C. Churchill


He was such a precocious child
He was such a warm-hearted child
He was such an affectionate child

He has become so apathetic
He has become so cold
He has become so hard

Yet I love him still and forever.

(OK, this one tested my poetic mettle, as I’ve never been keen on form poetry.)

The Final Revolution

Indulgence in pleasure
A poly-addiction
Dull your pain and abandon conviction
The patience of a saint
The stillness of a monk
More learned than all ancient scholars
Wake up and check your inbox


Unclench fists
Unhitch shoulders

Thread breath
From crown to sole

Blur focus
Shape dissolves to color

Heart chamber door open

Jaw unhinged
Sigh exalts
From rib’s rafters

Muscles unknit
Joints unlock
Swaying hips
Wax and wane

Into time’s rhythm

(a sevenling)

Getting the diagnosis was
unbelievable, sobering,
confusing to the max.

Adjusting to this new reality
is requisite, impossible,
unfinished as of this writing.

Update at 10 (years, we hope).

Love the Hate

Learning to love what I hate

I hate cleaning yet I’m learning to love it

Because I can’t stand a dirty floor

Learning to love what I hate

What I have strong feelings for

This way or that way

This comparison can be applied and connected

To so much more

Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved


The Little Red-Haired Girl

She craved three things in life:

Unconditional love,

honesty, and security.


Instead, she received

Being misunderstood, rejection,

And judgment.


She died hungry.


Love is not just sunny days.
Sometimes it storms.
Sometimes it rains. 

The best of loves 
weather the storms
embrace the rain and keep us warm.

But the forecast calls for sun.