
The blackest hair I’ve ever seen.


(rosy cheeks just right

hairs peeking from the top of your shirt

a belly~button I can only imagine…)


lips the purest form of yes


(~but saying no.)


Your eyes, though,

they wander…


If I stand still long enough

they can see me

down deep inside

where I’m all bits and pieces.


I wonder exactly what they saw

which caused them to run

screaming from me…


(even though I search

with my own eyes

for the answers to you…)


I am locked out.


Held by Hopelessness

Here I am, with all hope well gone

Of ever escaping this trap;

No home, no car, no money–

Alone; my faith as been zapped.


How will I ever move forward?

Deep fear and despair grip my heart.

I only expect falling downhill,

And I’m looking forward to naught.


Is there any hope for a sad song?

Can there be relief from dismay?

Can charity give way to joyful?

Can love make a difference today?


Put one foot in front of the other.

Take a step; no matter how small,

To pull yourself out of your doldrums–

This trap’s door surely will fall.


There are people around who are smiling;

Latch on, and learn well their life.

See what they have that brings joy,

Then set new goals in your sight.

Magic, It’s You

Make your own luck and create your own opportunities.


Art is just your self expression, what do you want?


In a dream I can fly; we took a plane to visit grandma.


How are You? A beauty in silence and we smile.


Emotionless, narrow minded, cold at heart, a misconception.


Thoughts from dreams turned reality, by Your Will.

Hour 6

Still busy… So it’s another haiku for now…

Pink, Yellow, Blue, White

Hearts of stone; to feel is flaw

Coldness is beauty


A single touch is all it takes,
To make sparks fly,
And cause nerves to quake,

A wave of your wand,
And I’m head over heels,
And I can’t breathe, once your light has shone onto me,

Like pulling a rabbit out off a hat,
You bring out the magic in me,
You bring out the magic in me

Giving A Fuck, Hour 6

I used to pretend that I don’t give a fuck

But I do

(Sometimes a little too much)

Thoughts drift to that first cloud of sulphur-smelling tear gas
The defiant linking of arms against gas-masked riot line
Sneering at disperal orders
Black bandana dancing to pounding bucket drums

Giving a fuck can fuck you

Sitting in a bus full of mass arrestees
Makes you wonder
Wonder if it’s worth it

If this is having any impact at all,
These protests and rallies,
These awareness campaigns,
The shutdowns and occupations

We testify,
Watch the state deny and it’s back to the streets, march, chant, demand, repeat
Until Justice is reached
There will be no peace
But so many still sleep…

Can’t we all just give a little fuck?

Just a little?

It’ll ease the burden of those of us who do give a fuck
(Sometimes a little too much)

There’s only so much fuck one person can give,
And giving too much sucks

Sucks the energy, saps the soul
It’s a heavy price for empathy,
For giving a fuck about things outside of your control

I can’t pretend to not give a fuck

Because I do

Sometimes a little too much

Prompt #6 Rock Bottom

It tastes like grit against your teeth
and ash upon your tongue.
It feels a lot like broken bones 
and torn muscles from a boxing fight.
endless agony,
and a learning curve

Feels like being stuck 
with no way to make a way.
So you grovel in your existence. 

 You start building a house
and making yourself comfortable. 


If there's a rebel within you,
start a revolution.  
Shout out to the stars 
asking for help 
to provide you with direction, 
To help make things clearer and easier.

All your power and advantage
is used against you, 
Rewiring you to think and act differently.

But, the thing that gets me the most is
we as humans are designed to be a superior 
creation, so our problems are not simple. 
and the solutions are often complicated and not complied.

But, still despite it all,
we cling to our hopes, 
we define ourselves 
by the amount of successes 
and trophies that decorate our shelves.

How come we don't define ourselves 
and measure our worth based on how many 
lessons we learned from the countless failures 
we accumulate but, 
never seem to acknowledge their existence.

It's the mentality that needs to change
our attitude
our perception.

Only then can we unstuck ourselves 
from rock bottom, moving upwards. 
to be better versions of ourselves.

I believe so long as each one of us are living 
we are bound to make mistakes, 
we must learn from them. 

We must ornate our shelves with 
the lessons we have learned, 
from the mistakes we have made. 

The day you die 
the lesson is over.
Life itself is the biggest lesson. 

It teaches you everything 
you were destined to learn in your crazy lifetime.

-Janice Raquela Mendonca

pic by Ayush Sharma

Hour six: Elegy: My Funeral

When I die, there will be no traffic jam,
no escort, no police in my parade.
I do not want a single mother
to be late picking up her child

from a private school she can
barely afford. I do not want a passing
middle-aged accountant to be late
for his family dinner, for his children

to eat in silence, wishing he were
home. I want to learn how to take
up space while I am alive, to dance
sober with the lights on, to break into

song without worrying about my voice
sitting too high in my throat. I want
to wring every sweet note from this life,
crack its bones wide open and suck out

the marrow. I want to die with a list
of accomplishments too large to fit
onto any stone, the correct name
etched into my obituary.

That Night


I remember the harsh words
The fever pitch screaming
The need to flee and find a place
Of peace.

I drove away
Not knowing where to go
Just following the painted lines on the asphalt
Reflecting in the moonlight.

Or maybe
Reflected in the tears in my eyes.
I don’t really know.
Darkness plays tricks with your vision.

In a pull off by the river
Hidden from view in the black of night
Away from prying eyes
I found my peace.

But the peace was not in that place.
Not in the tears, the car,
The cover of night.
My peace was in you.

I drove fiercely back,
Following those same reflective lines,
The asphalt flying by like a jet stream.
Home to our door.

I remember the love that steered my heart home,
The frantic need to throw open the door
And run madly into your arms.
To say I was sorry, and that you were everything.

But the door was locked.
Your heart was locked.
And the key would never again
Be mine to find.

Hour Six, Prompt Seven – Breaking Free

Image courtesy of EliasSch of Pixabay


For the umpteeth time I try

to feel my way out of this hell;

this box where I can hardly breathe or move…

And for the umptheenth time

I feel nothing;

there’s no way out;

I have effectively been shut in

and I’m stuck…

When ever will this hold be lifted?

When ever will I be rid of of this force

that will not release me…?


Emotionally depleted, I

look inward once again

and send a message

to nobody in particular…

I need help. Please rescue me.”


A sudden force wells up from deep inside me

and in one last attempt,

I break free, float up and up

and reach the light at the top of the box.

I’m free!” I yell over and over…


Realization dawns upon me

that I am free because I broke free;

that all I needed was my own strength

to conquer the giant that wouldn’t release me


Antoinette Leroux © 2019