Prompt For Hour Six

from there to here

yes, your fingers bled on the cotton
you tripped over words like
jello and jump
a breathy silence beginning
your father’s name
jesus – not the son of…
but more like that
other god: ‘hey, zeus’

your friends were sent home
in the 50’s while you stayed –
wearing flour-sack dresses,
eating tamales
and wondering
how the future
would look different
than it did that day

never expecting
a repeat of history
more blatant than
the last and
while you wrestle
with this new order
your daughter writes poems
in a canadian city

where she was born
with snow angels
and hope
the colour of
every skin –
your people
a story bigger
than these words can hold

The Last Flight,May be

It was a long flight,
I just stopped to quench my thirst.

I can’t fly,
It’s looked just like water,
but was a traitor.

The container,with me diving inside,rose up,
Alas! I was plunged into next container,
as in a waterfall,hitting my head badly.

I somehow managed to escape the clutches of the blender,
Sigh!I lost my legs but still alive.


Now,on my deathbed,I wish for life,
idiotically for saying a goodbye to my dear ones,but,
as the timer of the oven displays a zero,you’ll hear my death bell.

Will you hear that?
No,your senses will be locked on the colorful garnish over it!

No Room For Muse

If I had hands I could touch
Every inch of this place without moving at all
I once had only to think of something new
And I could push out a new room or a wall
But everything that came attached to that thought
Filled it up so fast, it came to naught!
That never stopped brilliance
Muse just added another room to decorate
Each room demanded more attention
While every other room had to wait.
Ideas and projects filled every nook and cranny
Till there was no room left in their bony house
No room for Granny or a Mouse
Infrastructure broke down
Ideas left or slowed way down
Soon Muse got stuck
She couldn’t come up with a single new idea
In fact, it seemed like someone was stealing
Her beautiful, brilliant rooms
So along came a helper
And cleaned out the muck
We redid some wiring
Plugged up some leaks
A few months later
After some tweaks
Ideas came returned
Better than ever
Rested and clever
So clear out the junk
Come out of your funk
Let your brilliance
Shine for the one who cleaned it up.

In Between

I’m in between

Knowing what I want to write

The words swimming in my head

And putting it down paper

Crash LANDing intentionally, on purpose

I’m in-between finding the rhythm and the flow

Like when I was in labor in the process of delivering my son

The pain was so different

I just wanted it to be done

I’m just so in-between

Which is okay cause I got the job done

This hour’s poem will be posted

I am ready for the next one




Let Me In

Don’t lock me out
I just want in.
I want us to be
more than friends.

I know it’s hard
for you to trust
in love when all
you’ve known is lust.

I’m not here
to rob you blind.
I only want
a peek inside. 

I’ll wait outside
and be your friend
but I hope some day
you’ll let me in.

Coffee Break

In the quiet breathing space of now,
enclosed by the dark gravitational
force of entropy,
I drink my java of calm

At my borders, the flashbacks of blinking lights
of numbers, truths,
and uncertainties,
flickers off the walls of selfies.

The shadowed paths of my labyrinth,
which led me here,
were illuminated briefly and irregularly
with no clear way to go

And yet,
I enjoy this respite
for however long it lasts
with this soothing brew.


That day

Baby Girl was brave

Across the giant pit of balls,

Over the plastic, rugged stone wall,

My baby girl was going to climb to the top.

Up the stairs, over the net, she brought her best.

Until she dared to reach the summit, The Mouse Hole.

She made it to the top, but that tower was where her courage stopped.

“Mama, help me,” she cried. “I can’t get down.”

Mama, to the rescue; I was pinnacle-bound.

Over the plastic, rugged stone wall,

Up the stairs, over the net,

I brought my best.

I rescued



Then she wanted to climb it again!

Stucked Out Looking In

He stood outside the window looking in
As the family eats every grain
He was envious as they eat happily
Because never had he a family
In tears he watched with a grieving heart
And wished his life to restart
But never will it happen this he knew
For he was an orphan boy a year ago
He had been doing this for a while already
Watching this family bond merrily
This is something he knows he’ll never have
But this becomes his goal he surely will have
Someday he’ll make sure he will have his own
And never will he watch a family he’d known
He won’t be stucked out anymore looking in
For he promised himself in life he will win.

I Found You (Poem #6)

I look

And I see you

Beautiful brown eyes

A smile that knocks me off my feet

A voice that makes the angels sit in awe.

I can’t help but smile when looking at you

I can’t help but cry when I’m away from you

You are my other half

You fit perfectly in my life

You accept every broken and flawed piece of me

You don’t judge me or get angry

You sit with me

You comfort me

You are so unique

A one of a kind

There is no one else like you

I can’t believe it

I can’t believe I found you

I love you



Brakes slammed hard!

Traffic comes to a halt!

The ambulance light flashes

as it navigates on the emergency lane.


Cannot move forward or reverse.

Stuck in traffic!

Claustrophobic , confined to the interior of my vehicle.

The heat rises from the black tar

in waves of smoke,

mixed and mingled with exhaust fumes.


The air con splutters to a stop


Gas depleted!

Sweat now trickles down my temples .

The sun visor seems oblivious of its inherent duty.

Weary,  tired and claustrophobic,

Stuck in traffic.