
Your lips touch
my lips
tentative in quizzical
once, twice
third time’s the…
leaning in
your lips touch
my lips
tightened anticipation
firm yet supple
I cannot pull my face
from yours
we have become one
yet I feel you
vaporizing away from
thoughts ethereal
I hear you speak but you
aren’t there
your lips touch mine
but you
aren’t there
and I know I am
wide awake and alive
but the dampness
pillow on cheek
remembering you
could not have been there
at all
at last
as every time in the
past has proven
what I felt for you then
I still do now
never reciprocated
in death as in life
mattering little as in
an hour or so
one of us
will need to simply
get up, and
go to work.


– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019


My heart’s core…
I’ve wondered at her before
Is she just the base composite of
Oxygen and carbon
Hydrogen and nitrogen
Calcium and phosphorus
I have played with new mixtures and reagents
Adding them gradually to change my essential nature
The Daedalus of my being’s own labyrinth
And the Pandora at its center
The creator and the created

Prompt 6: Hour five Crackled Sky

Yellow bus comes to a stop.

Trees plowed down all around.

Disembarking— mountain top.

Lighting strikes— no sound!


Frozen Spider webbing sky.

From these cracks leap steed.

White angels riding from on high.

To the earth, they lead.


“What am I to do?” I think.

I hear a voice reply.

Stang directions from the brink.

“Newborn’s coast— go nigh.”

“Newborn?” questions I.




The cat and cigarettes left outside

Is it still a proper brownstone
if it’s in Jersey? Six broad brick
steps open like arms, white concrete
banister a hand in open gesture.
Welcome. Unit B.

Does it matter if the details are wrong?
I tried.

Double doors slide apart, heavy as pianos
eyed in lead glass. The color is almost
cream. Almost yellow. Warped
wooden floors spread
hardened pulled caramel, pulled taffy.
The stained glass window stares onto the street
higher than anyone can reach. Cobalt and
cadmium red and yellow orange azo
in a perfect lead-lined circle twelve feet up.

Could it have worked? Us?

White and cobalt tile in the kitchen.
Plastic bat lowered on fishing line
spinning, facing an iron barred window. Two
squirrels stare in through more lead-lined glass.

How much lead was in that place?
How much lead in me?

Window half open onto the fire escape.
Twenty-four inches to save a life. Scrappy
orange striped tom comes and goes. Habanero
is his own cat. The fire escape
is for smoking and confrontation.

How is he? How is he?

Half a slanted closet waist high
is meant for liquor and board games. Some books.
Some sheets. Enough space to hide a grown man
like the crease of an overpass. Lead painted
wooden door. Lead paint flakes
off in layers. The door is more paint
than wood. More lead than wood.

I’m sweating the lead out. I’m sweating
you out. Lead beads on my brow and down my back.
I’m becoming clean again.


The sun burns

The wind blows

My sweat pools

My body aches.


Long days

Short nights

Hard work

Little time.







Similis Papilioni

Similis Papilioni


I see my reflection on my computer screen. I’m covered

with a bouquet of flowers, roses, berries, purple buds waiting

to bloom. The bouquet sits above butterflies resting

on top oranges, feasting on its juice, long tongues snaking

into the pulp. My screen darkens the image and I pop

through. My face is hidden by blossoms, my body by wings.

But if I move my head, tilt it to the side, I see my eyes poking

out. It reminds me of what I’m told to be: beautiful,

gentle, still, before I burst through my delicate shell and fly.

Money Moves

Do you know how money moves

Do you understand where it goes

Not just from the bank to you

Not from the place where it is printed

Do you know how money moves

When it’s looking at you

Because money looks at you every day

Even when you think it’s time to play

Money is wet, angry, frustrated, confused

And sometimes it just doesn’t know what to do

Money is mysterious and even sometimes delirious

But what money is not

It’s not hard to obtain

And it’s not hard to gain

Because money moves

And when you come to know this

Then you’ll innerstand

That money…is you

Your Move


Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved




Twinkle Twinkle

Each night, many things, objects, and people fall into the stage of my dreams
They perform, they sing, but in the end, they always leave
But each night, you fail to materialize

You antagonize me about your absence and the content of my nightly thoughts
I encourage my brain to remember you but to no avail
I simply can’t control my sleepy actions

One starry evening, you leave and say that you won’t return until I’ve succeeded
Well, my dreams are mine and I won’t have them impeded
If it happens, I’ll call but expect no apology



Your lungs a furnace
Forging exhales

Your eyes filter
Spectrums and waves
Into sensical shapes

Your hands mold and form
Words and clay

Your feet wear a path
Through intimate space

The world in turn
Transforms your familiar face

Time takes convictions
Wears them smooth

The wind softens certainty

Tide carries away
The self you construct today

What is left

The ever changing shore line
A conversation between
Know and unknown
That sets you free
For incremental
Eternal becoming