Every, if I could, if only

Every, if I could, if only,
Virginia Carraway Stark

Every muscle is slow and straining
On this saturdau morn
If I could stretch just a little bit further
I could poke through my skin
bird wings would spring free
From gashed skin
and every weakness would fall beneath me
Assuming I only knew how to use them…

I would learn how to use them
Now that the moment has come

Hot and Cold

The sun glitters
Off the lake water
Until it burns
Your irises
And you squint
Across the liquid surface
To the forest across.
You hold on
To the edge of the dock
Feeling course wood
Grate against your palm
The cool mist
That lingers on your dusty feet
and turning it into mud
Is a sharp contrast
Against the blazing sun
On your back.

I am

I am stronger than you know,
I am taller than I look,
I am smarter than my grades say
I am better than I am
I am whatever I want to be
I am me

(Hour 05) 02.30-03.30am. PROMPT: write a poem using a dream

the big fish

when i visit the whale
he is alone somewhere off
the cold pacific coast
singing a playfully melancholy
refrain across a 1000 miles
he eyes me with utter disdain
yes whales can (or he could)
disdain with the best of them

“doubting again are we?” he booms
inside my head & beyond the galaxy
i wish i have a witty reply
but he knows everything
that’s deep inside me, so i
simply sigh & smile whereupon
he takes me on his back
& reminds me how to fly 



This Poem

I wrote this poem

As a random collection of thoughts

Cause my brain

Was tied up in knots

And it came to me

Just write what you see

I sit in my room

Under the fan

Patterns on the ceiling

I never noticed before

I need coffee

Keeps my mind from reeling

All these words

Such a jumble

But sometimes

That’s the way

The cookie crumbles


Hands shaking
Minds changing
Peace making
Skies blue
Eyes witnessing
Ears listening
Hearts ministering
Words true
Arms dropping
Harm stopping
Opportunity knocking
For more than few
Great debating
Love making
War taking none
Do you
Have a dream too

A Quarter In

A quarter is a fortune when you’re young

And the machines at the grocery store hold precious treasure

A quarter once could buy a phone call

Before there was a phone in every purse and pocket to be used at your leisure

A quarter could be saved away

Rolled up and taken to the bank when things got lean

A quarter at the Laundromat

Could get your clothes washed and clean

A quarter in the jukebox

Played fast and slow songs all night

A quarter at a toll booth

Keeps traffic moving along alright

A quarter can be as much or as little as you see fit

For me it means six hours of work, and eighteen more before I quit








Hour 6: Post 6: Inner Pep Talk

Broken little girl

Sitting in the corner wallowing in self pity

For all that has been done to her

Broken and shattered

Torn and weathered

Her heart is in shambles on the floor

Who is this girl

Why wont she fight

Get your ass up

Fight the battle in which they chose to create

Destroy and demolish

Take your power back, take yourself back

Show them who you are

Make them never be able to forget you

Prompt Five

the unraveling

the space cramped
i feel my way
with shaking hands

familiar, earth damp
knowing i’m
not in command

of my thoughts.
the direction unknown
i travel forward
for nights on end

upturned, not sown
a fork in the brain
begins the bend

like a poker hand
grip slips
the loss is real

fading food
like hourglass sand
heavy, weighted
winter’s peel

snow drift.