Selena vs. Helios

It’s a constant fight
To keep the sun out

Everyone opens blinds
And I shut mine

I can’t stand the heat
I hate the pain

The focus of heaven’s spotlight
Burns me to the core

No, not a vampire
But might as well be

I detest sunlight
And how it hates me


(In the dark of the night

I saw her in her grave.


So far below beneath me…


He stood there beaming knowledge

Through his desperate eyes to mine.


Burning cold with fear inside me

I could see unwritten futures…


Her new image warm and glowing

Full of endless possibility.


Me beside her holding tight

Straddling the deep and dank…


Keeping her from falling in)

5 – the flood

the rain,

just didn’t stop


surrounding us,

sea and river

joining to lap at my doorstep

we huddled,

seeking warmth,

side by side

wind pounding walls,

the house drowning in its fury


falling into the darkest night.



A Prayer to the Cosmic Hack

O Spinner of a Thousand Tales
(That recycle the same four plotlines)
O Maker of a Thousand Worlds
(Populated by the same 6 characters in different hats)

I plead to you, Creator of (clean, black-and-white) Conflicts,
that my narrative be flush with thine bounty.
Let my bitter rivals be placed upon buses,
let my villains be as obviously evil as they are one-note
and let them receive their grim and tidy comeuppance.
Though not by my hand;
the audience must needs think of me as pure and merciful.

I beg you, Sovereign of Stories,
(we’ve all heard a million times)
Let my challenges be overcome
by montage and instant mastery.
Let that to which I turn my hand
garner me praise and jealousy
of my peers and instructors both.

I supplicate myself before you, Manager of Meet-Cutes,
That all of my crushes shall,
in time, turn out to have loved me in secret.
That I might find truest love,
without more than a glance at growth or self-improvement.
That I might blunder into the life of someone special
Just when that special someone needs me most.

Of you, Architect of the Profound
(as long you don’t think about it too hard),
I request the most saccharine of happy endings:
Let my finances be ever sorted off-screen,
and my hair only ever fetchingly tousled.
May my recklessness be vindicated,
and my actions have only positive consequences.
Grant me a conventionally attractive one true pairing,
whose only flaw (by the closing credits) is clumsiness.
And if it be thine will, equally appealing children
who speak and reason like tiny adults.
Gift me, O Cosmic Hack, a place for my came-with-the-frame family.
A gleaming castle, a stately manor, or a shimmering starship.
Even a nice brownstone would suffice,
Your servant is not greedy.

With greatest humility
thy most devoted disciple.

Mary Sue

My Love

My love is not so loud

as trumpet’s blaze,

but mystery of leaf

in Autumn’s haze.


I love you like the mountain

turns to sand,

as snowmelt, drop by drop,

reforms the land.

(this will be added to)


Jennifer Pratt-Walter


Chemical Valley

They call it Chemical Valley

The barbed wire fence

Surrounding the millions of metal pipes

In a plant that produces toxic air.


Just down the bumpy road

And over the paved bridge

Are manicured lawns where people live.

To those passing by

The blue rivers a pretty sight

Neighbouring the border, just to the right.


But to the locals

Who wait for the sirens

And pray they won’t blare out of schedule

This has become they way they live.


Back. Back to that long-ago place

One. More. Time.

But unlike Dorothy,

The fanciest shoes I own

Cannot take me there.

Their clicks are mute.



Like cows who never come home to rest.


And in my imaginings—

Be they wakeful or beyond—

No warmth can match Grandma’s arms,

Holding me when I hurt,

When life crowds too close.

Can enfold me.

Hold me.

Rabbit Hole for me.

Like Alice and her looking glass.


That mirage, of what once was,

Wavers in the distant fog,

Tempts me close out sanity;

And walk the corridor

To a place where change is coin at best.

Second star to the right,

Through the night,

One-way flight.

To Neverland and Peter Pan and what was—but is no more.

Hour 5: The Same Sea

The Same Sea

I climb down to the water

Where paper rains into the sea

The same sea that, when I sleep,

Has a song I can sing along to

The same sea that, when I sleep,

Will tangle me if I step into her surf,

Eroding the sand out from under me.

She always threatening to drown me.

Modern Love

I’ve said I loved you
Many different ways.
In texts, over the phone,
In messenger, Audio, and
But never to your face.
Never, to hold you
As the words flew out.

I met you but couldn’t meet you.
Fear of what I survived.
Life and death,
So, I hide,
In tech
And give you my love
From Afar.

One day, we will meet
Under the stars
Where love will grow
In real time.
With touch.
For now, our love will grow
In a modern way.


If you listen you will hear them-




across space… across time.


& you can hear them-

on the wind,

riding waves,

wrapped in music.


they are right here




if you listen.