Hour 4, Prompt #5

How can you look at this
and not see
a political statement?!

The obvious juxtaposition
of fresh and dried; of fruit
and seed; of sharp and soft;
of stiff and flowing…

Texture, size, density;
color, habit, origin;
and all gathered together
in one gorgeous, harmonious
blended whole.

Maybe florists
should run the world.


Star Falls

Each star shines its way to Earth
only to learn it has died.
In this magical corner of our World,
they slide down the fall instead,
becoming one with the waters that reflect them.


Hour 4 Stars



I am entranced by the stars

Small beings of light

Filling the sky with promise

We know we are not alone

So infinitesimally small

In a Universe so huge, so epic

We bow to our inconsequence

Stars above

Small beings of light

Pointing our direction

Filling our wonder

Guiding our journeys

We are bigger than we imagine

Smaller than we believe

With vast possibilities

As far as we dare to see.

(a cherita)

the butterfly prefers

a slice of orange
to the dense bouquet

the ornamental
roses and filler blossoms
not at all to its taste

I’ll find you

I will find you in your darkness

and resurrect your deepest fears

please love,

whisper in my ears your secrets

like black diamonds on your tongue

that I’ll unearth

hold close to me

protected forever they will be

Little Goblin Men

Skinned knees and loud voices
Constant movement
Constant yelling
Everything is a game
And everything is funny

So full of emotion and love,
Told to tamp it down and keep it in.

Forced into dresses and skirts.
Unsure about why their body is changing
Unsure about what it means to be a “woman.”
Don’t really want to be a woman.

Little goblin boys grew into princesses
and now must learn how to be men.

(written for the 11am hour on my phone in a Dunkin Donuts.)

A Journey

Indulging a fruit of the earth

Marvelous ways of latent judgement

Colossal task lies ahead in short span of time

Till the fulfillment of its duty consummates

Enriching the life of the universe

Far out and near sight grasping each moment

Gliding thru life journey

Forever reverberations of a spirit shared

In the universe of coexistence, a plain sight to zoom

Gliding thru life journey

A simple remembrance as life emulates

In the simple journeys serenading a butterfly in its understanding

A reminder to life journey short but meaningfully documented


Prompt # 5 Hour # 04

12:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019



Walk Through

Fifth Hour

Walk Through

What was once my refuge,
my comfort, and my home.
leaves a chill in the air,
Now I live alone.

Used to be where children’s laughter
and made-up songs filled the air,
now, it’s a sobering reminder
that I am the only one there.

It’s no longer friendly at night,
I miss the broken doorbell’s ding dong!
and the water balloon fights,
the Sesame Street sing-a-longs
and mail-ordered butterflies
taking their very first flight.

Everyday I smell a mix of stagnant water
and floral perfume.
My house is not my castle,
just an overcrowded room,
with a conglomerate of stuff,
I would never get through.
But, enough is enough!
It is time I tell myself the truth…
It is time to find a new home…
It is time to move!


City of Compton, CA 90222
June 22, 2019@12:11



Raspberries [3 – #senses #walk]

The sun never gets too hot on the west side;
instead of vineyards we had raspberry fields;
acre after acre of tangled vines.

In other towns, the trucks smell of black exhaust
but here, the trucks trail the scent of ripe raspberries as they roar by.

I went to the upick and wandered through the field, down the row of vines until the farmer was out of sight
and filled my little bucket for jam, for pies, for something to create.
The air is perfectly still but still the dust sticks to my legs.
Children call from row to row with red-stained mouths and the bees hum

and the entire world is reduced to these 5 acres in this moment.