Hour 4: Post 4: The Temptress

She walks by in midnight attire
Blood curdling red like wine
Veins pulsating with every breath
Every step further into the darkness
Her voice cried out a howl
Unlike anything I have ever heard
In an instant she was my madness
She was my poison
I was forever under her spell


In the dark, in the vast open space

I search for a grip, something to reveal my place.

A gift in the deep night did appear.

Pinholes of light to lift my fear.

Horizons so far, drawn by great heights.

My way was alight with hopes and dreams

of the beauty around me

I could not before see.

My Brother

Prompt 4

There is something wonderful about the way
you used to sit with me
in early morning darkness,
both of us wondering
about life’s mysteries.
Four years old
and already you were eager
to seize the world.
Though you did not know it,
your loyalty touched me.
Excitement raced through me
each time you woke me
in with hushed eagerness,
ready to play.
We spent hours imagining,
Time flew by as the minutes ticked past,
slowly growing closer to 6am.
In our youth we saw
what so many seem to forget:
There are some things
more important than sleep.
We were the best of friends,
spending our early mornings
with games of pretend.
My brother, you have grown so fast,
but these memories will last forever.

-h.e.m. 11:00 am

The Color of Melancholy

Sitting in the grass fields,

sucking on lavender roots;

some bitter reminder that

yesterday is forever gone.


Riding with no saddle along

cobblestone roads, broken

by centuries of chains.

Confetti flecks of crimson.


Sunny hours marked by

midday drizzles, and the

prisms of color left behind:

holy and hollow both.


Wild winter nights under

midnight blankets pocked

with quartzite watchers

who never dared touch us.


I have fur on my arms

But I’m not a bitch.

I have fog in my brain

but I’m not a ditz.


I starve myself

Of things that I need

So you will like me

Please like me.


The only thing I can be is pretty

So am I pretty yet?

I’ll change my hair if you want

Give me a knife

And I’ll scrape the fat off my bones.

Giving Birth (Tricube, Hour Three)

Giving Birth


the blank page

stares at me



breathe, push, fight


come on, write!


pen to page

words flow free




(Tricube rules: three syllables per line, three lines per stanza, three stanzas per poem)


The spices were fresh picked
From the garden this morning
And having been washed and dried
Now lay in the summer sunshine
To dry
As I finished wiping my hands
On my apron
I saw the butterfly
Land gently
Upon the spiced orange slices
Which would soon fill
Sachet bags
To sweeten my wardrobe
Throughout the fall months
For a moment I stood transfixed
Watching as the butterfly sat
And I knew
At that moment
That my task
Had been deemed good
Not just good enough
By my forebears

Mother Earth

As I walk through the forest deep, and look beyond through the trees.

As I watch the sunlight filter through the leaves,  to give light through the darkness there, so I may see.

Mother Earth,

With every bloom,  with greenery all around, I feel the softness of the grassy ground.

I fall to my knees to hold the earth in my hands,  to breathe in the beauty that surrounds me.

I feel my heart beating as if I am one with the earth,  and silently say say thank you Mother Earth.

For the air I breathe the water I drink,  and fire that burns inside my soul at night,  and the beautiful earth on which I reside.

As my heart fills with love and understanding of it all,  even when I walk in the forest all alone,  my Mother Earth is with me.

On each and every journey I take she is within my heart and soul as I awake,  to see the beauty of Mother Nature…

C. Burgess (c)


Just Keep Swimming

Unconscious, trees breathe, alive, but not sentient.


Likewise,  we breathe, knowing few secrets

of the spiritual

in which

we are immersed;


We splash about the unfathomable deep,

teeming with forces

for good


and bad–


Buoyant with life itself,


We drift in the sunshine

Of good days

Of bright tomorrows

Of warm yesterdays—


Heedless of the unseen

invisible lifeguards,

life rafts,

shrill blasts of warning whistles.


And we,


just keep swimming.