The Known Unknown

On my favorite chair,
cozy and comfortable,
with the cool breeze passing me,
I pondered on the third prompt.

A voice broke the air,
of a being who only hears the television,
who calls out for people who never answer that,
who remembers people who doesn’t even think about her existence.


#3 walking and feeling

The air is cooler than expected

though it gives in to the sun; distant

traffic a muffled presence as breeze rises

above in the silence of dogs .


A lone seagull calls above the inland twitter;

a neighbor speaks, a lone car passes by –

ordinary moments of a weekend day

business as usual in a quiet city enclave.


But I feel what is missing, struggle to recall

the lurch of your uneven gait beside me;


prefer to recall you striding up Sunset Ridge

as I scramble to catch up, perch on the bridge

sharing gorp and water laughing as the dog

drink-swims the icy stream…


Looking around, I see your absence

and my not-yet-coming-to-terms

that our plans are no longer; yet

I go on. I return from my walk


deadhead the Nova Zemla rhodie by the door,

snip a newly-blooming peony for the house


enter the silence I have just left to find it

alive with sun, comfort of the familiar

and your gentle presence warm

in my heart.


Deafening Silence

Come out at night and know
The world in its afterglow
We might see what we overlook
Because of our daily work

It’s the soft rustle of leaves
As the wind gently brushes
And the cold feel of air
While my fingers comb my hair

The air-conditioning unit hums
While the tots are with their moms
And street light silently screams
Making a poet smiles and dreams

Stealth tiny raindrops land
On roofs and trees and sand
Surely tomorrow a clear dew
That refreshes a morning new

Above, far above you’ll see
Parade of characters feathery
Clouds of every size and shape
Clowns and kings on capes

We thought its silent but we’re wrong
The world we know just sings a song
Its deaffening silence that we know
Is silently doing a show.

2019 – Three – Drunk as a Monk

I’ve spent enough time on my knees
as a monk
to see that there’s value in being
both drunk
on life as a pilgrim and life as a
a rascal.
But can I live both, to the best
that I’m able?

When I left for the cloister, to
never go back,
I took nothing with me,
just books in a sack.
Discarded my dreams and all
my deep vices.
Tore my old dark soul up in bites
and in slices,
assuming I’d never leave, return
‘to my home’.
Never to wander more.
Never to roam.

I spent many weeks and months,
working at prayer,
being a better man
than I had brought there.
I worked and I cared for the pilgrims
who came.
I learned to live and love life
without shame.
But one winter’s day the hour came
and I knew,
I wasn’t to be a monk. That
certainty grew.

I put on my sandals and,
books in a sack,
I closed my old cloister door,
haven’t looked back.

Last night I sat down with friends.
We smoked and we drank.
We told our old stories
with swagger and swank.
I told of my peace and they spoke
of their smut.
I showed them a picture of me
in my habit.

Tomorrow I’ll have roamed to church,
where my friends they won’t be.
but I’ll make that old gesture,
from down on one knee.
I’ll give there my thanks,
as best as I’m able,
for a life that is lived,
a semi-holy old rascal.

You see,

I’ve spent enough time on my knees
as a monk
to see that there’s value in being
both drunk
on life as a pilgrim and life as a
a rascal.
And I plan to live both, to the best
that I’m able.

The Mask

the white, elegant one
which you always had on you
you gave one to me too?

the one you told me
everyone had and was important
if I wanted to be considered human?

yes, that’s the one
‘conformity to the norms’
was it?



Protector and defender of the cosmic order

Help me to guard against unwanted, harmful influence

Surround me with gateways & protective borders

While granting me with awakening experiences


The rose is beautiful yet it has a thorn

I want to pick, I want to adorn

But I am afraid


I don’t want the pain

I don’t want to bleed

The thorn is protection

Yet I have such a need


Overcoming this fear

To access your beauty

This Runic key has such a duty


My room

Ouch ouch ouch

sore feet, antiseptic, echoes of retches

a booming train, rustling leaves

wishful thinking


The Train

Lights are dim
Roads empty

No water to swim
Nothing seems to sink

The night is dark
Even stars are asleep

There is nowhere to go
No one to lead

This scene is rare
Still I am there

Imagining a ray of light
approaching towards me

A late night train
Will Teleport me
Into the world of my dreams…


As her hand falls away

My world begins to crumble

As the hair lines her face

The darkness engulfs her

Left alone grasping at straws

I kneel left empty of all

The dreams of an age

Lay empty as death

As the pain fades away

Can I ever embrace it?