just me

Hello universe

I am Narinder. That’s what i call myself.

I am in India and myself

Writing is my form of meditation and the marathons are my connect to divinity.


A Lonely Game

Solitaire, it’s a game played in isolation.
Alone in one’s room or else on vacation.
Matching hearts, aces, diamonds, spades
Single file, up and down, the cards parade.
So what else do you do by-yourself alone
With no Twitter or Facebook to now intrude,
No one to call on an omnipotent i-phone?
Just now, those thoughts are only your own.
Recalling tripling troubles and rising doubts,
Neurosis and psychosis will sure find you out.
Unless you put an over active mind at ease,
After all, there’s truly no one else to please.


The Man I Never Met

a man stopped by
to see if I was in
a man, a gentle, kind looking man
needing to find a friendly face

to see if I was in
he took time from his day
needing to find a friendly face
he was a gentle, kind looking man

he took time from his day
a man stopped by
he was a gentle, kind looking man
a gentle, kind looking man

Color Wheel

Hot red lust, anger,
the will to power excites
with most intensity.

But orange energizes,
a heat a bit less intense,
health and vitality.

While happy yellow
brings forth childhood memories
of sunlit meadows.

Lawns of green grass now
evoke those endless meadows
hikers frequent each spring.

A masculine blue
recalls a very trustworthy hue
varying shades of sea and sky.

Violet, unlike
Its flowery namesake, oozes
chic sophistication.

A soft-spoken brown
reminds souls of rugged toil
life sprung from the earth.

Black’s all-embracing void
a most painful grief observed
oft gravely despairs.

But virginal white
ever shouts chasteness and purity
of faithful innocence.

Swipe Right

Swiped right,
Moved left
In this adventure with insanity
I dance with devils
At night
In the daylight, I cry.
The angels
Bore me to tears.
So, I swipe again
For another devil
To take just that much more of my soul
A soul I freely give.

Dance with many,
Kiss a few,
Turn the angels,
Make them fall.
It doesn’t matter
If you take them all.
People will judge,
People will cheer,
Chaos will ensue.

Kiss that chaos
And swipe again.

I am Gay

Born perfect, a bundle of joy to a blessed mother, “Let it be a boy,” said God,
Restless hormones made me crazy of soccer, robbers and thieves my favourite game,
A few black eyes and bloody nose under my name, proud of many rules broken in school,
Howled at girls with my buddies, made out at the back seat of my old man’s car,
Sultry actresses, all over my room wall, relieved urges of a growing man me,
A list of girlfriends before I met the one I truly loved to settle down,
A match made in heaven before she went rogue, transformed into a sadist empress,
Scorned at my every climax, claimed that I was weak to satisfy her needs,
Selfish and unforgiving, she was no mechanic in the sack, but a skilled assassin of a man’s ego,
Endless insults and fights, through days of sunshine or rain, stirred ruckus in my head,
A beautiful sun set became my worst nightmare, mortification lullabied my sleep at night,
Hate seeded, fertilized daily with the greatest efficiency, grew a strange emotion in me,
Started looking for comfort from male colleagues, shared my pains to keep me sane,
There were many more like me, emotionally abused till the state of incompetency,
One fated night, I met a man that forever changed my life, never to be the same,
We became secret lovers but remained a man to the eyes of family and friends,
The sadist found other men to take my place, oblivious of her contributions that had destroyed me,
The course of my life had diverted my path, denounced my birth rights,
I was born a normal man but I will die a gay, I have no regrets.


She found him in the dark
In a place unreal
A click and a wink,
A smile
And she is lost
In the way, she believes he is.

Don’t come with a fantasy
They are a bitter pill
Called reality.

She’s happy in this room.
Alone in the dark
With him
Close but far
Forever hers.

Amateur poet, Lyricist, Designer.
First time to participate in the full marathon. Waiting since 2 years to participate in it. Excited to read tons of beautiful poems.

My Return: Angela Theresa Egic

Writer/Poet: Angela Theresa Egic

I enjoyed the Poetry Marathon back in 2016 … so, despite being behind on a lot of things; joining the Facebook group until today! I seem to have registered in time.

I am many things … A Renaissance Woman. Published Author & poet in the 2016 Marathon book! Also a Produced Playwright. You can see my acting work under my stage name, Angela Theresa Collins. I am also a Psychic/Medium and Teacher of Law of Attraction, Psychic/Medium Training, Angelology and Photographer.

See ya’ all soon!

Post Modern Prayer

Faithless, we need to kneel, driven to the floor.
Giving thanks to those who daily knead bread,
Put roofs on houses, and make wayfarers’ beds,
Nurse the sick, teach kids, and mind the store.

We need to sing praises for the Earth’s bounty,
While mindful of an ever-sacred trust we share
Conserving the land in each town and county,
Earthly treasures that we need dare not impair.

We need to meditate upon what Nature proclaims
Like snowflakes each of us is different, yet the same,
For we inhale the same air, put food in our bellies,
And family togetherness and solitude we all claim.

We need to serve our less fortunate neighbors,
Protect the weak, the young, the old, the poor,
Ensure that workers can rest from their labors.
Comfort the dying, giving them hope to endure.

We need permission to laugh a lot when we’re happy,
Cry when we’re sad and occasionally act a little mad.
Love like we mean it, long-time acquaintances befriend.
Ever mindful that our time on Earth must one day end.