All Poets Eve

Wishing all an inspired Summer Solstice.  I look forward to sharing this experience and creative space with all of you.


Tobe in Vermont

Let’s put these introductions aside….

I just recently graduated with a BA in both Public Health and Creative Writing. Writing is my passion, but due to some recent setbacks my family is facing (and life in general), I have been struggling in making time for writing. My hopes for the Poetry Marathon is to gain that desire and passion back, and maybe start making a place for it back in my life again.

Hi everyone!  First-time marathoner here.  Love the idea behind this event.  I feel that it is an awesome challenge, and I look forward to pushing myself to be a better writer and a better poet.  Good luck to everyone!

Hello Fellow Writers and Poets!


My name is Dree and I’ve never participated in an online forum like this before, so I’m super excited to be apart of it this year. I am a current student working towards my end goal of obtaining my Masters by 2025.

I’ve always enjoyed writing from a very young age, but have never really shared them with anyone because of nerves. I am hoping that this experience will allow me to share more of my writing and potentially provide inspiration for future pieces I’ll create.

I look forward to reading the work of others as we embark on one heck of a challenge.

Good luck everyone!

– Dree

Summer Break


The summer solstice
My strength does sap, steal, and slay.
So slain, I sojourn.

Aschewing scholarship
Stenuous schedules forsaken
Still slumbering late.

Purposefully reading
Inane mystery novels by the score
With insipid plots.

Putting off studying
Online courses that so improve
Curriculum Vitaes.

Instead weeding beds
Then planting, English ivy and liriope
My garden to enhance.

In Situ

in situ adverb or adjective
in si·​tu | \ (ˌ)in-ˈsī-(ˌ)tü , -ˈsi-, -(ˌ)tyü also -ˈsē-, -(ˌ)chü\
Definition of in situ
: in the natural or original position or place
– Merriam-Webster

For an impatient person, which I admit to being, it seems I have accomplished a lot of waiting in my life. Much of this waiting came under the umbrella of procrastination, which is the lane from which there is little, if any, passing. Why move when it’s easy to ride along with one’s fear of failure in the backseat?

To take over the wheel, to move lanes, to be in place takes effort. Time and commitment aren’t cheap, and the landlord doesn’t care that you took a demotion so you could focus on getting published. But, I realize, if not now, when? I have let myself lapse, to be reminded by things, such as this marathon, of why I write. I write so that I can filter what passes through my mind on a daily basis. I write so that I can make sense of what seems haphazard. Maybe I search too hard for the right words. Inchoate is a byproduct of being so hemmed in by circumstance that to voice the truth becomes a liability to one’s livelihood. Or, worse, a danger to one’s sanity.

For the next 24 hours, then, I don’t have to play inside the lines of a structure designed to turn me into a shell to be moved at someone else’s will. I am “in place, ready to perform my original desire, to write.

Almost didnt get in!

My registration went to my spam folder and got buried beneath all manner of insanity.

Then it wouldn’t accept my password so i reset it 5 times and here i am!

I’m not much of a blogger obviously, just kinda checking to see if it works. Good luck, everybody!  I think it will be fun.






first time marathoner

hello teammates! this is my first poetry marathon and i’m very excited even though i’m going to be running around all day and trying to squeeze poems in when i can. looking forward to seeing what comes of this! push on!


The Night Before

It’s a half marathon of hours left before the half marathon of poetry and I hope I can sleep for at least half of them. I have snacks and a nice stash of tea but will I have words? Will any of them work together? Drafting and crafting through the day into the youth of night… I scare myself, but I love words more. See you tomorrow!


Hello everyone! I’m Sam and I’ve been a writer for a pretty long time; however it’s been a while since I challenged myself, so I’m looking forward to what creativity brings! Wish me luck! 💕