
It was a clear night when my vision was restored.
I was overwhelmed by points of brilliant light–stars,
constellations, and neon signs.

As a child, I only hoped to see the future clearly.

I can’t recall when I first began to lose perspective.
I was overwhelmed by points distant–vital, vast, but
mattering less than those at hand.

When I look up, I only hope to see your face.

Hour five- Old School

I can only think of you
as a place that has my soul
I wish I could hug
your walls and cry like a child
why did you let me go
I wish I could stay longer
I wish I could be here to see
you aging
To love you and share
my most beautiful days spent here
The most giving a mother
to me
I cannot even bargain
for a holiday or ride
I wish I could love you longer
and my memories
would not be as faint as this
and my love stronger
my dear old school
why did we part ways in class 8?

Copyright © Snigdha

Poetry Food

No McDonald’s wrappers, here.

Only quality sustenance will last through

twenty four hours of versifying.

Already, at hour six, we’ve been through

the four elements, Leonard Cohen,

mountains and Jesus, eternity and sand.


Already we’re repeating ourselves in every

stanza, but not attempting a villanelle, and

going back in time. That’s why they call it

a marathon. So I started with cantaloupe.


Then sugar snap peas and red, red radishes.

Yes, a radish is a radish is a radish. I can’t wait

to finish off the macaroons, Magruder’s finest.

I had two to test the flavors, raspberry and pistachio.


Cookies before noon, not a good idea. So I dip into

the chef salad, a strip or two of cheese, a cracker.

The fancy one with salmon I’ll save until the wee hours,

when only berries and ice cream will really hit the spot.


T.S. Eliot I’m not, but perhaps he once got a prompt

to write about cats, and more cats, and that was that.


I want a chain to hold you dear,
You just run and run,
Farther and farther

I want to be cool and calm
Not a mere hypocrite
But a simple human.
But the clutters
Don’t let me do that

My life is like a dusted keypad
Alphabets have forgotten orders
Numbers scare to jumble
Entities have lost meaning and sense
I want to give them
The air of words
So they rather breathe…

Nobody ever asks the tooth fairy what she does with all those teeth

Does she craft a necklace,

Craft a song,

Craft a poem

To lament the fading dawn?


Does she tie them around her feet?

Does it changle,

Does it bangle,

Does it shine upon a tree?


Beneath a quivering sound,

Does she plant them in the ground?

As she harvests innocent souls,

Does she weep,

Does she sing,

Of all the unseen things?


Does she whisper,

Does she breathe,

Does she burnish her mark upon the trees?


Does she plant them by her bed?

Will she grind them into soup,

Will she paint them in the sky?

Does she use them as her dice,

Tempting fates with the price?


Does she craft a funeral dirge

As she plucks souls with her knife?


Will she ever take your life?

Birds of Love

Aching heart and rattled mind,
I seek a friend, and few I find
With open hearts and willing soul

I remember times of old
When love was easy, love was kind
And we were friends, all lives entwined
And we could live our lives half-blind

It behooves me yet, to see
That you’re yet coming back at me
That you’re yet coming hard and fast
That you yet want some love to last
When you cannot begin to know
That it’s not lust that lets love grow
That it’s not ours to find and search
When we’re not left on that high perch

An Arthropod’s Frame of Reference (Hour 6)

Taking a chance at knowing the world through a blanketing reassurance.
Searching for the moment when I can honestly believe I have succeeded.

Sweet insect crawling across the windows pane,
Bursting steps upon a transparent world.
Too small to recognize your own reflection,
Too miniscule to appreciate the view captured through this frame.
Cold, glass surface, continues.

To understand the intricate parts of this living portrait,
Each factor an accomplishment
set out to be known by the years of attempts that came before.
Smiling eyed little wonders,
Fair faced beauty with a gentle hand.
Verdant landscapes outside every window,
A room for every person,
And a table for us to share.

This is the view I am too small to see.
For every pity filled whimper locks my eyes
into the view of the few feet of ground lying in front of me.

Hour Six

J 2


If you were here

turn around three times and wish

A hundred ways I’d let you know:

I would make your favorite dinner

and watch your favorite show

If you were here


If you were here

put the penny in my pocket and wish

I would strip you down and take you

stand you up, unmake you

I would cry out your name and slake you

to hear you cry out mine

if you were here


If you were here

blow out the candle and wish

I would hold you close and let you sleep

in my arms, while I keep

the vigil for your monsters

dispatch your demons and tormentors

and never let you fear

I would fight all my days and nights for you

Keep on all the lights for you

If only you were here, my love

If only you were here.

Prompt#6 Still editing on

Prompt #6
Stanza-one, Timer on
Run along pen
My mind the ticking bomb
What clock wears it out then
Powerhouse of my own workhorse
Catatonia is its pet alarm
Warns of mortal danger or bad harm

Math of clocks or my mental horns
Battle each other in high altitude
Where nonsense creeps into benumbed mind
Making it lose cold blooded aptitude
For the dark insane hunt of the ticking bomb

I run around with it in my mind
I am in flow of emotions, not temptations
I don’t want to manipulate my muse
Into submission beyond its grace and kind
Time and tide both clock their own countings
Time has hands, tide its crests and troughs
One framed by wood, metal etc
The other rocking between surf and shore
One puts human feet to trod
The other engages muses and me in trance