Prompt 6

Its hard being vulnerable

No one wants to give the world too much

unless its pretend

only then

would you have nothing to lose


I loved him and that love never seemed to go away

it was just scarred

a hard love

thick and unforgiving

but it was still there

coarse and rough

yet it still remained


Our daughter’s naivity reflects in her eyes

her gaze searches for more

what all can she gather in those

eyes of wonder and surprise

searching for love

and I wonder if the one day will come

when all that she wants

is to see her father for that first time




A Pastoral Scene

A Pastoral Scene

Though I know not their names
nor the colour of their wings,
I hear their songs
brighten up every morn —
trills and echoes
amid the trees.

The vegetable terace,
beloved of slugs and snails,
flush with runner beans and onions,
raspberries and blackcurrants
garlic in the greenhouse
blackberries behind the shed.

Cows in the field,
black and white choir of tenor voice,
glaring at the Usk Way walkers

traipsing up the track
as they listen to my poems
and keep an eye

on my father
trimming the hedge
from their side.

Hour 6 : Love with plucked respite

Your soft voice

In each bleeding-heart flower

In each timber

Can I envision this love?

Come into light darling

Take a pew with me

Grope me tightly,


Our prefect reflection

On petal and lawn

You pucker up

Your play footsie

Forever my love

Forever your love

In our heart,

Together and constantly

Let’s put down roots

What happens on our way?

We will take a stand

Though our love should go on…

I Left My Heart in Your Teeth

and here’s what they won’t tell you about leaving: villains don’t press their sweating scalps into pillows, desperate for sleep, eyes pricked open by the gathered dust of that day, pulse hammering too fast into the future (anywhere better than here/now/him/then), skin braced against fingers that grope, insistent in the night. And here’s what finally broke my hope open—I wear a strange curtness; carry fright like a badge, resigned to the thought of you that follows me, cage to cage.

An old flame


maybe moths know
the candle will kill them
but they’re just so tired
of searching
for the sun. maybe I knew
that girl would never love me
back but her hands
were still her hands and her
eyes still looked like stars

and when she said she wanted
to die, I wanted to go
with her.

“Six – Sly Boots”


Sics his brute dog, Sly Boots does, and he smiles
when all the children scream and run about.
Mails the bill, Sly Boots does, and he grins
when he gets both the goods and money back.
Sly Boots, the killer, spreads his webs and whiles,
and when the fly is trapped, oh, how he’ll shout.
Sly Boots, the temptress, spreads her other things
and captures those whose needs assuage her lack.

Oh, so many traps to keep us worried.
Oh, so many ways to pin a lie.
Oh, so little need for all the poison.
So much need for living life unhurried.

Sly Boots, Sly Boots, please, let your anger die.
Its nicer out here with us in the sun.


Random prompt 2015 Poetry Marathon Prompt 23


Did i made something wrong

commendable act indeed

something in the lingering mind


looking beyond the walls of illusions

sizing up again and again

look in the eyes


shadow of doubts prevailing

walking the path to nowhere

amazing be amused


lingering doubt beholding

unfolding beyond the existence

belong no more



Hour 6 – Everlasting Love

O my spring!

Every moment with you is a wild ecstasy

I have nothing to cascade, but volume of;

For every warm, for ever painting; for every young, passion of love

To wed peace and pleasure while smacking palms

With a slimy bliss for unforgettable duration…


O my all in all!

I have nothing to present, but a beaker of wine

With delicious taste and matchless kind of blissful pleasure

Let us satiate our love

At the brim with winking beaded bubbles of wine

Till the last drop of unfathomable measure…


O my mellow soul!

Even you can’t perceive my numberless mirth

For being my part like a hemisphere of earth

All my seasons within you are dwell

Ring them darling, with melodious bell

Want to frame you in galaxy of flowers

To gaze you, my bosom, hours by hours.


It starts with an factual voice saying
to remain still no matter what.
Ignore the messaging of the sounds.
You will travel far.

Fog horns starts the journey
and I imagine a pleasant boat trip on a clear and warm day
when suddenly everything goes bad with
radiation exposure warnings blasting

Wild electronic music pulses with
the rhythm of hard driving pistons
appear as I must have somehow avoided the
nuclear disaster

Soon I have landed with
the reviving up of cars
and the jack hammers
of road construction

There is a pause
perhaps a red light
as that voice reappears
to tell me good job but remain still

The cacophony of sounds
merge then separate and then
sequence through leaving
me disoriented as to land or sea

Unable to think,
the voice reappears to
tell me 5 minutes left
and to remain still

I concentrate hard on counting
out 300 seconds as
I used to do in high school French
and hope the voice was not mistaken

It ends with a silence
then the voice
and I can’t be sure
of anything else

The Prisoner

Outside she’s lead

with arms bound behind,

all eyes are cast

she’s now a freak show.


A lowlife she is

the prisoner removed,

she’s led in this room

where patients await.


She flickered and winced

losing herself,

never again

can she trust herself.


Take them away

far far away,

children astray

she can’t look their way.


Never again.