
Whooo are youuu? ~ Caterpillar, Alice in Wonderland

Fifth grade. Journalism segment of English class. Answer these five questions and you’ve got a story, the teacher said: who, what, when, where, why.

Who… I am a shadow dancing in the dark. I am a meadow, waiting for a lark.

What… does it matter if a man gains the world, but does not have love?

When… do large frightening things grow small enough to fight?

Where… in the world is it safe? Is it light there? Do the kids get to eat every day? I have more questions than answers. Does this mean I don’t have a story?

Why…I read a lot of books. In the Bible, God doesn’t seem to care much for his children. Makes sense, because my parents don’t either. I’m not sure why we can’t just go live with families that really seem to like children.


That assignment says everything about who I was, and how I became. I raise my children under an umbrella of mental illness. I write poems, knowing that I’m not talented enough to count them as a “career choice.” The only thing bigger than my fear is love for my people. I don’t consider myself particularly brave. I just don’t feel like dying today.


Getting to know you…

Just getting comfortable with the system here so I won’t be scrambling in a couple days, screaming:  “Why isn’t this working?  What am I doing wrong?  The internet is the devil!!”  Maybe not in that particular order, but preventing the most frustrations I can is always ideal.

So that’s a little bit about me, I suppose.  I drink coffee to keep the spark alive and I am looking forward to writing some poetry this Saturday and hopefully doing a good job at it!  Later all.  Thanks for stopping by.



My name is Elisa Shoenberger and I am a freelance writer in Chicago. I am a blogger and oral historian This is my second half-marathon. Can’t wait to begin!

Hello everyone!

I am Cheryl from Michigan. My writing pen is C. Churchill and a.k.a ccwrites. Super excited for the marathon. This is my second year. Remember to take a good rest day tomorrow and stock up on snacks!


Hello! I am Janette from Bellingham, Washington and this will be my first Poetry Marathon. I will be doing the morning Half Marathon.

I am in an MFA program at the University of British Columbia. I will be taking a full-year poetry course starting in September so I am grateful to be able to participate, wake up my poetry voice, and generate some new work!

We Few Remembered…

We few shall be


To love fully,completely


human stain

Ask me how I feel, how I

get turned on

like electricity

We few shall be


To know, five fingers

make a fist

Kismet, the imperical


hurling episode of

Abracadabra bile

We few shall be remembered.

To know, the nightmare

changes one

Get over the one thing

you hope for

Make a pass to save your


We few shall be


To know evil is my

devine adversary

We were wrong in Vietnam

Don’t make me

feel like a train ticket

Fade to black

We few shall be


To know, taste, a grain of


And death shall

have no



on facebook

People are determined to get it all wrong
on facebook. (facebook)
Nobody’s worried about coming on strong
on facebook (facebook
Hurry online and join the fray,
you can be an expert on anything today.
People will like you and like what you say,
on facebook.
You can be phony, you can be real
on facebook.
There’s losts of memes and quotes you can steal
on facebook.
forget all your troubles, forget all your cares,
common civility gets kicked down the stairs
it’s hyenas laughing and the growling of bears.
On facebook.
better than reality.

What’s In Your Pocket?

I still think of you daily

counting each vertebrae with my fingertips

smooth was your touch and I held on like no tomorrow

 you didn’t let me go

tightened your grip about my waist

shameless was my caress

beautiful was that moment when you