
And we begin in a whole new way

Nothing will be gained from squeezing tired fruit

Allow the leaves to fall, the bark to flake and the roots to quietly continue to grow into earth

Everything is different every moment

That is the beauty of universal flow
Ah Ho


The End

The End


Maybe the end is a beginning

since nothing ever stops.

Rocks are beehives of molecules

whirling, buzzing and circling.


Am I a hamster on a wheel?

See things I wanted to be

crumble like rock to sand

beside the sea.


Not noticing treasure chests

of red rubies and gold

handed to me



Perhaps my sputtering jalopy

heading toward a cliff

will shape shift to Maserati

and race into the night

on my way to somewhere.

A Wolf

Never waste time being someone you’re not

Only accept a genuine love

Do not get lost in deception

In ones who lie in wait

Forever playing fools game

Thinking ally in those who love

Be not leery of my intentions

For my character is true

I am deserving of much more

Than your opinion of me

I Will Rise

You see me I will rise

I have been wronged, I have been spoken about, I have been deceived

But I will rise

You see me

I see me and I can and you can

Rise up to a better you to a version of you that no one has seen

I will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix

I will rise for tommorow , for ever

Words will never hurt me and my actions will deem me

I will rise will you rise?

Hour 1 Prompt – Childhood Diaries

Outside my ancestral home,
I revisit those memories of childhood,
Clink of my anklets in the yard,
Pumping out water from the well,
Our endless giggles as we play,
Chasing the colourful kites
across the fence,
What I see now is an illusion
Everything wrapped in spider’s hammock,
Behind the rusted lock,
Still fresh are my memories,
My doll dressed in years of dust,
And the grandfather’s rocking chair,
Sip of the petrichor in my tea
And this dew upon the garden trees,
Everything has changed in real
But it’s still the same in my illusion!


I want to move

to the beat

of a lover’s


the way it

runs through

the desert

and the way

it catches

in my throat

as my body


and becomes

one with

the drum



on my tongue

long legs

and gazelle

like dancing

in a world

where only

music is life

and magic

means murders

are meaningless

and a matters


is unnecessary

because all living

things are necessary

for the circle

to continue

beat builds

i am caught off

guard at the solo


starring me

center stage

and in action

full of promise

and long-lasting

every eye

catches the drift

of my movement

the ease

at which I get

into it

and then

when the end

seems near

I pick it up

drop it back

and bring forth

the rear

gyrating to love

on the floor

in the middle

of nowhere


no one

and nothing

but life

in the sound

of drum


FJ original 2016


if what I said hurt, if what I said felt worse than me speaking of the rich, if what I said about the ghetto was unexpected and unacceptable then why on earth do you agree with me when I speak the same harmful words of the rich… Where is freedom for my words and justification for yours…


Neighbors #1



Indifferent cardinals

Flashing crimson appear

Not realizing the

Fuss they cause


Jays come with business

On their minds

Owning branches

Screeching orders


Hospitable chickadees

Enjoy their reputation

Seemingly good-natured

Ready for their close-up


Yellow finches commute

Invisible highways

Tirelessly darting

Their details blurred


Monotone woodpeckers

Reveal red dashes

Gossip too loudly

With mouths full


Day and neighbors depart

As hectic bats arrive

To clear the air

Then linger ’til dawn


No space


More space than I need

Too much to feel comfortable

It’s narrow

The ceiling too low

These oddly shaped spaces

I can never sleep.