
Sicut erat in princípio

Star scattered light

et nunc et semper

luminous trophosphere

et in sǽcula sæculórum

struck by infinity

Our rustic life #1

Thatched umbrellas snapped open.

Our village, our home already in pieces, broken.

The sky darkening into an ugly shade of grey,

Desperate for attention, ranted and raved.


Blotched and boiling with fiery rage,

Biting cheeks and knees (as if confining us into a cage)

Heavy sobbing and shuddering,

Thrashing, wailing and smothering.


Silencing the squawking migrating cranes,

It shot arrows of fear so cleverly well- aimed.

Swollen tears and destruction at its wake

Effortless done, in fact, a piece of cake


A torrential downpour with droplets

Like incoming bullets.

Hell bent on tasteless revenge,

The sky gleefully happy to see our world drenched.


The clouds churlish and smoky grey, brooded in the air,

All the green shoots below uprooted (this was its lair)

Again, the air cackled to life

Silencing our whispering and mumbles with a sharp knife.


Pitter, patter, pitter, patter- a monotonous melody.

Streaks of lightening arrived tentatively.

Only a blanket of silence, almost tangible, remained,

As we tried futilely to keep sane.

Think again

You say

You haven’t got time

Well, darling

I’ve got news for you

You have

Less than you think

Poem 1

Why I started writing..

Collecting hundred of thoughts
collecting memories..
but where are they?
After years, when we grow old, wrinkled, skinny, blind..
we forget evething..
only blur images left in mind.
I started to write..
to save all the moments of life
every piece of paper shows me the grace
with which I embrace..
counting the number of years i wasted
which left untasted..
But now, to give it a meaning,
I write everything..
Whenever, i needed or missed that charm,
I go back to that warmth..
It gives me joy, power, faith
encourages me to be more brave..

Sorrow, tears, struggle
all comes my way..
But reading those memories take them away
pictures, videos are one of the subsitutes
but writings re-creates that fruit..
what you felt, you wrote and then read, years after..
nobody can take that from you.


Off am I to a rough start, a minute late, or two,

Scrambling to write a poem that is good enough for you.

I must apologize, for a tiny one it be,

But it’s enough to greet the day, and that is fine with me.


Hour Two: Georgia

Nostalgia can be such a beautiful waste of time
when you think back on the small, unimportant things

Past glories fade
into nothingness

Past defeats still sting
though perhaps not as much

The ritual of buying a can of coffee
from the vending machine
on the walk to the train station
is a memory that will never leave

If anything
the coffee will taste even better
as time goes on

(13 August 2016)

Thoughts On Love

I tried to love another

But my love failed

You made me cry

And I

Pushed you away.

Love is the emotion

That I hate to feel most

Of all.

Alone, nestled in my

Thoughts is where I’d

Rather be, not

With another that

Can see the softer side of me.

Love makes me cry, which

I cannot do.

Love makes a fool of me,

One I wish to hide.

Love makes me feel hurt

When I should feel happy inside.

I have to share my thoughts

And my dreams,

Set them aside to please

You, that’s something I

Cannot do

I’d rather be on my own

Than to love another.

Too many of my vulnerabilities exposed

You can see my weaknesses

Always used as weapons to hurt


Why bother with exposing myself

To another?

To watch me cry, to know

What causes me emotional


Lie to me, it never fails

My heart is a magnet to


Push my button to set me off,

It never fails, I would rather

Be on my own than

hurt again.

I am not innocent

In all of this, for it

Was I that gave you

That power over me.

I’d rather be alone

Than relinquish myself to




Hour One

Nightshift at the construction site

Old road reconfigured straightened improved

No street lights in this bumpkin district

Civilization under construction

Pitch black frontage

A spooky sound ancient

Lizard brain working

A sound in the dark

Muffled rhythmic

clopping on fresh asphalt

From the north

Flashlight broken

Moving in my direction down the road

What pale rider this way comes?

What meaning?

My pea brain painted a probable

Stable down the road

A horse had thrown its rider

Was returning home like a cow to its stall



Slow and steady

Eerie my cat’s eye accustomed to dark watched the white flank move past

No rider No saddle

No street lights in this bumpkin district

Not this year

Horsepower receding to the south

Returning home

Making way for cars






That Place

It is there in the place

between slumber and awake

that I’m with you.

You wrap me up in all that is safe

and for that one moment

we are all that we ever wanted to be.

We are the versions of ourselves

we swore we’d turn out to be.

The two we never quite made it to.