
Take my love,
To heal your inner wounds
As I release it in a long silence
Embrace what you see or feel
You’ll experience the magic
From the earth
Through me

Prompt For Hour Thirteen

The Road Not Taken is one of the most famous poems ever written. I want you to take that poem and write your own completely original work. The title can be the same but everything else should be different. You can choose to focus on updating the poem, or re-writing it using different words, or take the theme and explore it in a different way. Your poem could just focus on mimicking the tone. You can do anything that you want as long as it ties in with Frost’s poem in some way.

Forever Love

When you take my heart too love.

Its magical its music too my soul.

When your love rains on me its  music.

Into my soul.

Where your love will stay forever.

When you take my heart too love .

You make my heart on fire.

For your love.


Fall free

Trying few things

experiences are new

got to stick to a line

once in a while


Discipline is important

Freedom is more

I say..


don’t look at it

it’s not a sin

Do what you want

Don’t bother someone else


You are the one

controlling yourself

Set them free

fly high


If you fall down

fall free..



Changes. Everything.

Terrifying dreams of what will become reality. What if I’m not good enough? Know enough? Quick enough?

Heartbeat. Changes. Everything.

Reality of what will become terrifying dreams.  What if we are not together? I leave? Send her away?

Heartbeat. Changes.

Dreams of what will become terrifying reality.
What if she’s not alright? Something’s wrong with me? I don’t/can’t /won’t love enough?



We were raised on soil,
tilling this old earth and slaving bloody days.
My people were hand shakers and bond breakers.

But as we grow we break apart,
So in these changing times we try, cling tighter still,
Tradition does not hold us back but redefines our future.

Speed demon smile

No traffic, dry road, take the bend fast.

Heart quickening, adrenaline pumping crazy.

No braking here, throttle at half mast

hard lean left dragging bike with me.


“HELL YEAH!” Just won’t stay in

the fire of passion rages so bright.

The thrill of poetry in motion

The life empowering danger delight.


Instinct tightens grip as throttle is opened

wrenched wild and fast, speed demon style.

Adrenaline junkie grabbing that which I want

enjoying my fix with my speed demon smile.