Poem 12- Moving Forward- Poetry Half Marathon by Ingrid

Moving forward with great glee

Moving forward…follow me.

Moving forward…1. 2. 3


Moving forward…with certain doubt

Moving forward…now what is that about?


Moving forward and making change…

Moving forward can feel quite strange.


Leaving the other comfortable me

Broadening my horizons so that I can see.


A better version of me.

Natural You

You are the sunrise

Radiant heat bringing warmth so bright

Never scorching the hide of young girls, who run barefooted on the earth

To rest upon antiquity while basking in the light


You are a cool, mysterious poneglyph

Holding the wisdom of the ages in secret

Protecting the riddles that drive children to search for independence

To explore things bigger than themselves, fearlessly, boldly, with abandon


You are a gentle summer rain

Precious drops in which to dance, to twirl, to leap alive

Filling full the aquifers of young minds that ponder love and loss

That they may bloom and stretch their roots for a firmer hold



by Karen Sullivan

Form: Lyric



Hour 12


To move is to change
Change one’s mind and how its arranged
So move to what inspires
Move to lost desires
Move away from what shatters
Your heart, though it flatters
Your mind, your soul, your heart must all move
To let bring change for the better; improve

Lazy Weekend

The ceiling fan moving the air in silent waves.
The blinds swaying gently in response
An airplane high above, its shadow tracing over the window.
Rise and fall of my chest with each shallow breath.
Must close my eyes again for just a few moments more.

Hour Twelve – Life is moving

“Work is so good for the soul” they said

as I stacked stupid shelves for a wage.

“You’re young, and you can doing anything,”

they said, as I watched myself age.


And so it went on for many a year

of back-breaking, soul-crushing crap.

I worked for the man, I worked for myself

no, nothing was thrown in my lap.


One day I moved from workhorse to sloth

to afford my poor body a rest

and now I’m that person, I’m dreaming of work

yes, life is ironic at best.

Soul Moving

House to house
Pillows and Blankets
Transgressions bounce
Sage willow and anxious bandits
Possessions 1 ounce
Silent mouse

Solo climb within




Seems like every few years

A voice reaches up

Grabs me by the throat and the feet

Tells me it’s time to move on

Get out

Start fresh

All those clichéd ideas

So I pull out boxes, I go through my stuff

I toss out some

I repackage others

I get on a plane,

Hop in a car

Start anew

New surroundings

New people

Same me

Same misgivings

Same failures

Same ten cases of books I haven’t read

The same stack of notebooks

That contain great brilliance

If only I could read my writing

I get a new cat

A new job

I find a new love

Every few years I try a new path

Only to wake up one day

To see the path is the same

The same feet

The same throat

The same crazy voice

Telling me it’s time


I hear that voice now,

She starts as a whisper

In a year she will be a roar

If she doesn’t shut up tho

I may have to murder her

I live in paradise

My path is a good one

My boxes are safe

My shoes are comfy.

I am not going anywhere

I think she is the one that needs to go.