Making Shadows

What lurks in corners of the mind,
No doubt will one day rise,
And in the coloured photograph,
I’ll redden both my eyes.

For time and night and sleep-slick-stalls,
I pass another test.
And in the working waiting grip,
I’ll deny myself what’s best.

The Sun


It’s a great picture

It really is

Tall gray-stoned wall

Reaching around a sweet meadow scene

A happy tree waving at you

But the picture is over exposed

Really, the sun did not cooperate

It just shows up there

Ruining the whole scene


The sun is like that

You go to a beach

Lying in the soft sand

playing peek-a-boo with a sand crab

Who watches you warily shifting

side to side to side

When bam the the sun shows up

peeking out from behind a soft cloud

All narcissistic and hot

The sweat rolls into your eyes

The crab is disappointed because you stop playing

Suddenly you have to get wet or go home

Melting isn’t your thing

But you were having fun, the crab was having fun.



Or maybe you’re out driving

swirling around the mountain

Trying to keep your lane and enjoy the scenery

When the sun decides to come down

right into your line of vision

and the visor and your special tinted glasses,

even your trusty ever present

hand shield just aren’t enough

You should pull over or risk killing someone

But you drive anyway, squinting until you resemble

a big gerbil with wrinkles

You try your wipers, you adjust that visor

You look for an out and as soon as you get one

There it is again.

The sun just laughs and shines away

It likes you to cower under its power.


Oh sure it gives way to the moon,

the darkness takes over

The sun runs off to bother other people,

Other sandcrabs and other witless drivers

But it’s memory stays with you so much so

That you almost look forward to dawn

But that damned sun decides it owns everything

Just like that overbearing lover

you wish had just stayed away

It pushes itself back everyday like well,

that overbearing lover you wish had stayed away


We do have air conditioning and

our nicely built structures built around that coolness

But the sun just sits and waits. Always waiting

It knows you have to come out sometime

And when you do, well you know the rest.


Say you really need it though,

Dead of winter where it has been

cloaked by deep gray clouds for weeks

It just stays out of reach

Won’t even peek at you

It won’t warm you

it won’t come out to ease your frostbite

or to help you scrape that windshield.

No the sun is a bastard like that. It’s manipulative.


I know the sun is necessary, like taxes or death or jobs

I do wish had back all those nice over-exposed pictures its ruined,

If I could get back those nice cool beach days

Maybe sit and bask in a rain-shower just a few minutes longer

I wouldn’t mind so much

You know if it would just cooperate

Work with us

Nope, the sun isn’t like that

It just sits there shining and expects you to revolve around it.




Rocking into the dimly fading light

Confusion swirling like falling powder

Soft etherial haze of coming night


The chiffon grey of each passing hour

Clouding the sedulous plans promise made

Before the fog endeavored to devour


by Karen Sullivan

Form: Terza Rima





Keep Calm..

Read it once,

Read it twice,

Read it thrice,

You will find..


Why the birds sing,

Whose phone did ring

The guy who cried,

Why are you so shy..


The questions,

not asked,

could be answered

really fast..


Keep going,

Have patience,

The things will

will find a way..


Not easy

but true..

#7 Sand Dunes Summer Day


Blue, blue summer sky touched by rocky mountain peaks with blankets of green

Breezes, constant and cooling

Piled against the mountains; tall, taller, tallest sand dunes

Sunshine and sharp-edged shadows

Giant curving shadows ripple the dune field

Mimicked in miniature in the creek bed

Cold mountain snow-fed creek, endlessly wide but ankle deep

Water reflecting the blue sky, mountain peaks,and the dunes

Cooled by the constant breezes


Hour 7: The Bride’s Speech

It’s my turn to speak and I’m beginning to sweat

A quick read of my notes and I try not to fret

I say something sweet to my aunts; they’re old.

Thank the catering staff, my two grans, the Welsh fold.

My parents in law can’t be in the same room, I’ve been told.

The speech before mine was beginning to grind

It was unfunny, untrue, too long and unkind

I smile as I have all day been smiling

I tidy my speech cards for the millionth time.

Welcoming my guests as expected to is best

This is the easy part and I start to warm up.

It’s like acting,

Where I tell a joke and it’s witty because it has a fact in.

Brides don’t do speeches, but I have to, for my boys

Brides don’t do speeches but the groom’s left no choice.

Now, the punch line:

The silence is mine.

And I grip my cards harder because now it is time.

I mention the space below each chair.

“…In each space is an envelope that you need to tear open

because inside, there is proof.

It’s a gift to you all. I give you the truth.”

The cards fall from my hands and I leave the hall.

Now I am free.

Good luck to them all.

Dialect of Home

The nights were almost unbearable the first week
It was the quiet
So quiet

I measured time in heartbeats
Listening for the telltale lub-dub; lub-dub…
The dead do not suffer the silence
In this new found void, I tumbled

I learned to cherish that quiet, though
Partly because, I realized I didn’t miss the nightly language of home

Random gunfire from across town
The sirens that followed
Or lack thereof, depending on the mood of that night

The bikers and their language of revving
They do like to hear themselves talk

Here, though, the only wail was that of the coyote’s
Singing to each other, or just to the night

The odd semi on the state highway a mile and a half away
Making that low rumble sound as they down shifted in a hurry
The language of Jake and his miraculous brake

It was the third week of my stay in Gainesville
When I realized that it wasn’t the silence that harried me so

It was me
For the first time in 13 years, I was alone with my own thoughts
I was alone with a stranger, whom I looked in the eye not a month before
Declaring that I needed to learn how to be by myself
Never considering the terror I would endure
Those first three weeks
In Gainesville, Texas.

It was then that I cherished the silence for what it was
A respite from the cacophony of society
So that I could finally address the cacophony
Within myself
Learn the language of me

Honey, Honey

You don’t care about me

I give and give and give

You take and take and take

Poisoned my flesh with your selfish ways

I can’t breathe

I’m weak, I’m tired

Need my honey, my elixir, my life

One day you will wakeup and I’ll bee gone

– Sincerely, The Honey Bee.

photo via user Andreas
photo via user Andreas


#7bis – Grow

20150419-184946-428-GROWInvisible filaments

Connect invisibly

All visible beings


Very tiny hooks


On all surfaces


Connect all dots

On all stuffs

Without being seen


What are you doing

Behind the scene

That grows you


Why don’t you show it all

To the light of the sun

Nothing to hide


Nothing to be ashamed of

Nothing to hold back

But I sense you are frightened


Do you know what frightens you?

Growing, my dear friend,



When I see what they call being grown up,

I don’t want to be one of them

I am like Peter Pan


I don’t want to grow

Better as a child

In this cruel world


Growing doesn’t have to be

What they told you it is

Growing like anything else


Can be whatever you chose or want it to be,

Even if you don’t believe it

You’re doing it anyway


Invisible filaments

Connect invisibly

All visible beings


Very tiny hooks


On all surfaces


Connect all dots

On all stuffs

Without being seen


poem #6 the weeks conspire

I hate it when the month is mad at me
Furious February, Antagonistic April
Months when days spiral into darkness
even before dusk
when the pileup of wreckage serves
only to hide the carnage of failure
of every time I tried & tried again
and fell over the cliff
into desperation
It might be August
heat shimmering
and I flinch from the icy barb
of knowing I’m inadequate
to anything & everything
this month will bring
Its four weeks huddle
lay plans to tangle me in snarls
of barbed wire that once were words
my beloved offered me in anger
They draw maps of the places in my own
dark centre that are vulnerable
to light places that need secrecy
to survive
The 30 days of June conspire
whisper to the ruins of my May
that now will be no better
And I have done nothing
nothing to ignite this retribution
nothing to deserve this streak
of anger
I have done nothing at all