Evening… 7/24


Sunset At Moonshine

Red ball of fire lies low
Upon a bank of amber clouds,
Hesitant to dive over the horizon
For the umpteenth time
Since its inception…

Then suddenly it curtseys…
And is gone – cool replaces heat –
And Venus appears
With a shy wink in the
Midnight-blue sky

Moon’s shiny disk joins in –
Paints everything in her path
A vibrant bluish silver –
How I wish I could – only this once –
Join her on her mystic journey…

© 2015 Antoinette LeRoux

moon over ocean

Moving so divinely

Moving so divinely

Inward awakening

Rustic times emulating

Conquering unexpected things

A cheers to life and love sharing


1:00 pm  08/06/2015

© ROY MARK AZANZA CORRALES ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDpoetry marathon 24 poems -page-005

You’re Running Out of Time (Hour Seven)

“Quick,” she said. “You’re running out of time.”

I opened my eyes and blinked, tried to focus on her face.

“How is it,” I asked, “that thoughts rise like bubbles,

And then pop suddenly? Like this, they disappear.”

“No matter,” she said. “The Muse is teasing you.

She wants you to appreciate it when her lightning strikes.

Try wooing her and see what happens.”

And I knew then, I’d been an awful suitor.

After the Funeral #7

After a funeral

After all the tears are spent

Solemn gray shadows close coffin lids

The room is warm sitting next to the fire

Attempting to calm itself.

The wall reveals its true intentions

Slightly buzzing gossip

A distant lamp just over the door

Fighting for its life

Flickering eternal escapes

Plans fizzle as draft tickles the floor

Everyone rests

As death waltz’s through the room


Black hues

Is refreshing
Just like
When the sun’s
First rays comes
Through the window panes

Is pure
As pure
As a baby’s
Purer than the glare
You see in those innocent eyes

Is peace
It’s mellow
It is a new slate

Is classic
It is the color
We try to use
To replace
Our mistakes
You know… Like white out

Black is the color
I choose to wear
From my tank tops
To underwear

It embodies
All the colors
Found on a color palate

Black is connected
It is not
In the absence of
Like its

Black is warm
It is security
It is alert
I like to paint
My creations with black
Most times
Write my name
In this undeniable ink

Black and white
When mixed together
Bring confusion
Stay away from
Those grey hues…

Ever (7)

I smile because in the stillness
I feel fully our emotions.
I sink into your essence which is
a fragrant almond oil perfuming
my skin.

I immerse into the warm thickness of it
how it cocoons me, closes in with
security and sanctuary.
This stillness allows time for
my pores to absorb all
that you offer.

My skin glistens with it, breaths out
your scent. Your fingertip’s
whorls and swirls
permanently tattooed underneath
my skin.

The power of your tenderness
the delicate nature underlying
your strength keeps
me irrevocably bound to you
as long as you choose to
grant me this gift.

my two front teeth

every time i go to the dentist now,
they ask if i want to close the gap
between my two front teeth.
that i’ve always had
and no one said anything before
i was 40 years old.
my grandfather was my dentist
and he must have liked the gap,
because i do.
as a kid, and sometimes now,
i’ll stick something in there.
a dime fits well,
not a quarter.

i say, no, i want to keep my gap
and whoever it is, just shrugs
her shoulders
as if i’m making a mistake.

lauren hutton had a gap that
made her famous.
she was on magazine covers
with a gap between her teeth.
i bet her dentist didn’t ask if she
wanted to close it.

so i’m not perfect
and i’m not on magazine covers.

i love the gap

it makes me smile.


Commanding the room
The largest lead weight
On the rubber sheet
Of social intrigue

Little ball-bearings
Scattered in patterns
Move at a distance
But never too far

Prompt: Concrete imagery
Form: Unrhymed quatrains


(7th hour) This man on the corner

This man stands there looking alone, lost and clearly in fear.

His eyes hazed over I say hello no response I guess he cant hear.

I ask if he needs help and nothing comes out when all at once he calls me Gloria now I know he needs his bed

This man on the corner is not deaf he needs help, he has alzheimers I must find his home he needs his meds.

This man on the corner can be you or me, memories lost like the blank stare in his eyes.

He must be so scared, lost and alone, my dad too has this disease someday’s he just sits there and cries.

This man on the corner is now in good hands he wears a bracelet with a nursing home address.

Now I’ve returned him he’s home at last his wife Gloria says thank you as his hand she does  her best to caress