The Stone Wall- Poem #6 For Prompt HAlf Marathon by Ingrid Exner

Beyond the courtyard and

beyond the gardens

Lay the wall of stone

that is hardened.

Fashioned of stone, blood,

sweat and tears,

It is a monument of

many past years.


Just beyond this ancient gate

the real world is in await.

Time moves forward and people

Run in haste with very little

time to waste.


But back behind

that gate of stone,

the spirits of ancient times

still roam.

Captured behind

a wall of stone

They exist in memories

all alone.

Copyright, 2015 by Ingrid Exner

Hour 06 3.30-4.30am — #79 “One more time”


One more time

i want to stand beneath stars
looking back to the beginning
surf the wave, slide the rainbow

fall like a drop into your ocean
leap from clouds, all the cliches
with you … just one more time

put my arms round your neck
get nervous, run from trouble
into trouble, drive the dark road

i want to borrow time, steal it,
once upon it, machine it — all
one. more. time.

i just want to do these extra
ordinary things with you again
one more time

…………………  … till the end of time


FFS! #84. I’m going batty.

Untitled Poem 6

A black heart
Unfeeling, cold-blooded
Dead within
A light
Bright as the sun
smiles on me
Little by little
the darkness lifts
Blood warms
Feelings reappear
A vibrant, beating mass
of heart emerges from the darkness
full of life,
but guarded
Afraid to trust
Afraid to love
For fear to do so
will lead back to
a dark state of numbness


Companion for life, loyal and true.

Devoted and diligent, entertainingly so!

He’ll centre his whole world around you

worship unashamedly on show.


Walk him often and enjoy the exercise

feed him well and treat him right.

Cherish the love in those big doggy eyes,

relish your reward in canine delight.


The best way a person can feel worthy

is if he owes his existence to you,

if without you his life wouldn’t be.

The only way to get a dog? Rescue!














Poem6/24 “A Passion of Life”


Life is borrowed

From Almighty God

Needs a bountiful unconditional love

A care to protect

Comfort to hug regret

Caress in every darkness

Passion to carry the cross

To the bridge across

Might be danger but hold tight

To His promises upright

He won’t leave 

Along those difficult times

He will watch every steps 

He will stops every obstacles

He will wipe every single tears

He promised He won’t leave

Value what he give

A life, a love

Don’t waste, don’t doubt

Try to walk along His path

Difficult a lot

Don’t give up

Most especially the time 

Black clouds dropped

And bait trapped

And nothing to do but cry

And say,:”Lord, help me”

Believe, He will come 

To carry the burden

And soul to be enlighten

In His hands


Salvation and peace..


In Twos

It never loses its spots, the saying goes.

But does it lose its debts?


Come here, I call to my youngest son.

What did you lie about today?


On the table, a grain of rice lies wasted.

But, no!  The table will eat it.


Watching the crow, I wish I had wings.

Already, my mouth is beak-shaped.


After dinner, time to do the dishes;

the cracks of the evening are showing.


(c) Ella Wagemakers, 20.49 Dutch time (= 14.49 EST in the US)

Hour Six

Use one of the following three images as inspiration to write a poem.47


how long’s it been?
They said they had to go get a bone.
But now I’m just sitting here waiting,
alone; I want to go home.
Mommy, Daddy, brother, sister…
Where are you?
It seems like days, but the other
little doggies they are all playing
with their families. What did I do?
Am I a bad dog?

Inspiration (Prompt 6)


pass the green valley

is my secret spot

I feel closer to God

when I’m there

it’s my little doorway to heaven

sunny, bright, protected

peaceful and kind

The butterflies

land upon my shoulders

in their own way of saying hi

I crouch down instantly

and lay stretched out on the grass

dandelions sweetly kiss my skin

and remove all the debris

of life