I Wonder

I often wonder what she does
Everyday all the time
In her room
Never coming out to play
Or run barefoot on the grass
Just typing always pounding
No breaks no tea time
Well except when there’s no sun

Pantoum of my Resolve

I will not falter from my resolve
As the storm looms ever closer
It will break, crush, and tear asunder
Fear will not cauterise into my heart

As the storm looms ever closer
Bravery may be a fool’s errand
Fear will not cauterise into my heart
I will not go quietly into the storm

Bravery may be a fool’s errand
It will break, crush, and tear asunder
Every ounce of my being cries out to stay..to fight
I will not falter from my resolve

Poem #5

How can light take so many forms?
Growing greens beneath our feet,
tanning or burning our skin,
casting shadows that grow as the evening stretches onward.
And there’s always the saying, ‘without light there is no darkness’ and vice versa.
As equals though,
why is it that one can seem so much more powerful than the other?
When you step outside, and your eyes are blinded by the glare.
Or when you’re in your room at night,
and the darkness appears to creep towards you in tendrils,
reaching for your exposed heart and soul,
waiting for the opportunity to crush you into dust.
But with the flick of a switch,
those demons in the corners of your eyes can disappear in an illuminating flash.


Although he was comfy is the hammock of his beliefs

she chose herself, the comfort of another, to feed her relief….


Spoken Words

They often perplexed me as a child.

You spoke barely detectable words.


My ears feasted upon their marrow.

You served many delectable words.


I internalized each syllable.

You taught purely respectable words.


Granny, Thanks for the compendium.

You gave highly collectable words.


by Karen Sullivan

Form: Ghazal

Poem 5/24 – The Other Side

Poem 5 – The Other Side
She doesn’t know who she is,
She doesn’t know what she can do,
She doesn’t know what she means too the world.
Her light sparkles brighter than the biggest star.
When she is down, it affects me deeply.
She is to good for this world, for this time, this reality.
I feel her love, her pain, her eternal essence…
If only she knew – the other side sees her inner worth… and for that – she is my sanity…

prompt 4 genre poem

Dragon Dreams

He’d burn the world for you,
And tumble-turn in cloud of ash,
Scaling skies of flame-licked hue,
A blistering blade of loneliness.
Trapped within
A fairy’s storybook,
Always one,
But never two,
This dragon dreams of a another day
Where he flies in emerald light,
Before the magic first held sway,
Before he lost you to the knight.

Poem #5: Conqueror

I am the conqueror
I own every victory
I climb every mountain
I set my flag and shout into the distance

I am the queen
My muscles burn like fire
My physique sculpted out of ashes

I will never quit

I rush through space
I live between the stars
I dash at the speed of light to my destiny

I will scream from every corner
I will tear open every door
I will jump every hurdle in my path
I will beat every opponent

Let everyone know
Tell the sky
Whisper into the rain
Scream at the top of your lungs
You did not defeat me
You will not defeat me.
I have won.
I am the conqueror.