Hour 3: Reticence

I see you true

I caught a glimpse

of the soul you hide behind your eyes


I saw you see me, too


You seem a dream

A cruel mirage

and yet you are the one who grounds me


So too, I hope

there must be something holds you here


You give me strength

with strength you show

when edges of the world do graze you


It does not hurt

you try to lie


your voice betrays you


This I wish:

The words to speak

and a voice to speak them


And this I fear:

That you might fade away and I might miss you

I hesitate


if it would not be meet to kiss you


Allow me this:

A fingertip

My being focused fully to this single point in space


Let me reach you

Give me grace

to trace the salty paths the past has left upon your face

Poem #3: My First Born

“Mom…are you okay?”
I hold my breath for a few second … I close my eyes and let out a silent sigh.
I cannot see his eyes but I can strongly hear his agitation.
A child in a body of teenager but trying hard to be a man.

“Yes I am fine … I’m okay … nothing to worry.”
My voice lighten up a little but it can’t be wrong, he fell it strong.

He knows .. yes ..  we know that deep in our hearts…We know!
We are moving mountains with our Faith and Love with each other.
We know that our problems are also mounting …
We know that in our silence … we cannot lie and we won’t lie;

Though we speak thousand words of assurance ..“.we are doing fine.”
But deep in our heart … its deepest silence lies ….
Fear … uncertainty … longing … false hope and life’s negative thoughts.
And … .doubts … lot of doubts.

He look into my eyes and smile …
No one will take this moment from me, not even distance.
The eyes that still holds hundreds of questions.
The shy boy become a child again though he tries hard to conceal.
The swag and confidence of being love … was and still is.

“Thank you and take care Mom.”
“I love you son.”

I can still hears his voice .. “Mom you go first.”
As I click to end our conversation … I whisper softly.
“Yes Mom is fine…I need to be fine.”
My first born .. my first pure love … and more first to come.
Is counting to his strong and loving mom.

Cosmogonic Love

If your star and my star accidentally aligned in their intertwining paths,
It’s not their fault that you and I suddenly collide
Collide in these cosmic hues of forbidden territory,
A million of eons away, we were two kindred souls who were destined to meet
In a world of oblivion where imperfection is dreaded,
Though we must love one another’s imperfections to recognize it is really True Love…
Beyond time and space, beyond universes, beyond the limit of light years
You and I were destined to cross each other’s galaxies
A billions constellations will guide you on your way to me
For the King and Queen of this Cosmogonic Love to finally meet.

Author/Poet Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo, Copyright February 2015

We All Fish….Poetry Prompt #3- Half Marathon 2015



I am a fish out of water

I have said once or twice.

A Canadian who doesn’t like to fish

as I don’t believe that nice.


But I know I have “fished”

In many a form

It’s just my definition

That does not

fit the “norm.”


Instead I fish

For facts,

And reel in a line or two

My bait are these words

That may contain a hook

Just for you.

Copyright 2015, Ingrid Exner

Hour Three

As the morning fog drifts across the lake, we make our way, poles in hand

Carefully we load the boat and leave behind the land

The calm waters begin to dance as our boat pushes through

As we search for the perfect spot to spend the day together, me and you

Anchor lowered, motor silenced, hook baited, line cast

Now the wait….



Hey all you

plenty of fish in the sea!

I have a question for you:

what is this bait, and is it worth

getting your lips ripped off?


If only, the time that keeps us away

From each other

Would melt and merge into a rainbow

And reflect on the puddles ..

On the face of the river..

If only, the time I spend with you,

Would go into a bubble,

And float into eternity..



Fishing – Hour 3

Standing on the rocks,

looking upstream,

I am mesmerized by the rushing water.


Water tumbling over submerged boulders,

crashing into them, cascading over them,

splashing, tumultuous, alive with energy.


Water flowing under the overhanging trees.

touched by their branches,

but never slowed, never taken off course.


Water eddying, taking a break before rushing on,

calm, still, silent,

covered in water bugs and sticks and things.


Standing on the rocks,

looking up at the branches overhead,

the sky blue through the leaves,

the birds hoping to steal my catch.


But all I’ve caught is those branches.



Standing on the rocks,

I look up at my fishing line,

tangled and dangling from the branch overhead.


I set my rod down on the rocks,

scramble to the tree trunk once more,

climb the tree and out onto the branch once more,

retrieve my line and hook once more.


Sitting on the rocks,

looking upstream,

rod idle at my side,

I smile.


I love fishing.

Hour Three

Write a poem about fishing. It doesn’t matter if you have never been fishing before. The poem must contain at least three lines that involve fishing. Everything else is up to you.

fishing for reason in
a cesspool of lunacy.
My line has been laying
atop still, foamy water—
stagnant—in fact it is rotting from the contact.
At the end of the line, no hook.
No hook.
Only another rod. Another fisher.
Another somebody waiting to catch
a trophy. Or a meal. Or a pet.
fishing is for patient folk—
the likes of which I am not.
So I’ll pack up and take to swimming.
maybe I’ll have better luck with my hands?

Striper Fishing Doggerel

Striper Fishing Doggerel


Early morning

Rods and reels

Eggs and grits

Clams and eels


Boat’s all ready

Motor starts

Out of slip

Old-man farts


Anchor up

Drop lines down

Wait for bite

Love the sound


Hear the run off

Striper bite

Taking bait

Sealing Fate