Yes Chef

Young I am not.
Eager, I am in droves.
Sucking in as much knowledge
as I can.

Cramming as much as I can
into this tiny mind.
Hot pans and late nights make
for never a dull moment.
Eager bellies wait for no cook
to discover their groove.
Fire tempered future starts

my secret lover

my secret lover

his morning song can consume me-

dark blossom bouquet that burns through

these dry cracks

showers off my dirt

makes me whole again;

able to run in the meadow-

when i close my eyes i can smell you

blowing in the wind.


quiet still thoughts sap my strength

hold me hostage to this sweet inner peace.

secret passions burning

looking for a place to call home-

his constant fire brands me his-

the endless refrain that plays out

a song with words that only we can sing.


my secret lover

always new, yet still the same

sweet voice and soul and smile unchanged;

the careless whisper that i long to hear

sends out his muted signals for me to get

and i wait with baited breath for the call;

the quiet plea to the place

where i discover what love should be.


Her face

Her face looked gaunt and old

her body bloated more

each time I saw her

she thought she could block up the door

with a pendant of the goddess of disappointment

entwined around her neck

on a silver chain rich with tarnish

divorce and disappointment clotted every door jam

she was only so angry

because nobody loved her anymore

I don’t live with her

Like ivy

my love puts fingers into every crack

that her despair left behind

I would rather tear the structure down

than to live with her old corpses


The Winter’s Breath.

The page opens to snow on a field: boot holed month, black hour/ the bottle in your coat half vodka half winter light./ To what and to whom does one say yes?

You stumble through the winter’s breath,
Ice cold kisses on rose red cheeks,
Footprints that lead not so much from where you’ve been as to where you wish you could return,
But winter is the month of no return,
The pine trees mourn the melting snow, like a blanket ripped away before it has the chance to warm your feet,
The taste of “yes” is in your mouth,
That vile, bitter word,
But all at once both soothing and sweet,
You will not let it slip from your tongue,
Not until you return to where you’ve never been,
Not until the winter learns to hold onto its icy limbs for eternity.

Farewell Robin

Every moment of light and dark is a miracle. He said
That you are here–that life exist and identity
That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse
That the powerful play goes on and YOU may contribute a verse
What will your verse be? He said

And for that verse, I say,
Touching the lives of many
As you slowly drift away
To understand the world will forget

That you were here–that life exist and identity
That the powerful play goes on and you have contributed a verse
This is yours


11 a.m.

The doors slam and the locking sound reminds me of the way I once felt in a panic attack, I know I’m leaving here though, that panic attack once made me beleive every lie it caused me breath to catch off inhale, too much exhale. What’s the difference, how do I know I will walk out this locked door….

Wheeling Flock

Twenty-three cyclists
Sporting brilliant Saturday plumage
Tour the boulevard,
Three or four abreast
In tight formation.
One rider hugs the yellow line,
His taillight flashing crimson warnings.
They lean into the curve as one
Wheeling like a flock of
Clownish pelicans.

(one of) My Poem for Today 11 AM




dog and cat are sleeping.

Husband and son are working

daughter is at volleyball practice.

I’m here, writing

words barely flowing.

Stepped outside for a few

cool and nice end of summer day

feels like fall in New England(CT)

Whispers of you

I want to believe your words because your actions fail me often. No eye contact is made for it may reveal deception. I make believe forever though I know our love has a limit. You slip farther away each day until your no longer in view and I’m left to pick up the pieces haunted by whispers of you.

The Gift

The gift given from love

Never taken for granted

Practice and nurture

Through the ebb and flow of life


Rising and falling like

A ship at sea

And when moored safely at to the shore


Let the gift shine brightly for all

To see after years

Of protection and nurturing


Lets share the beauty

And the wonder

Of what is the gift


A message given to

Everyone at precisely the right time

No longer hiding the treasure

that is the gift.