A New Galaxy

Climb on board

Let’s take a trip

Higher, higher

Rising up.

In between,

Above, below

And all around

We fly.

A new galaxy.


new shoes:

her memories,

dead skin against

my live one,

(…and right now, she’s winning!)

“Second Coming”

A child’s fingers tying canvas shoelaces.

Tentative steps out the door,

Burdened with books,

Fraught with anxiety,

Answering uncertainly.


A soldier’s fingers tying bootlaces.

The smell of polish before morning parade.

In the service of the nation,

Orders are barked, and followed.

With resentment, not pride.


An adult’s fingers tying Doc Martens.

The frantic push through carriage doors,

“Mind the gap!” is exhorted.

Papers shuffled, phones answered.

Mondays hated, Fridays awaited.


A father’s fingers tying his child’s laces.

The morning commute crawls along.

Stress builds, tempers fray.

Model nuclear family?

It’s a myth.


The mortician’s fingers now tie his laces.

Mournful faces file past,

The resplendence of his Sunday best,

The endless slumber in oak pine cedar.

It comes full circle.


The page opens to snow on a field: boot holed month, black hour/ the bottle in your coat half vodka half winter light./ To what and to whom does one say yes?


Yes, I must welcome this new winter of the world.

I’ve shunned her before and paid the price

In callous coldness- in a winter alone.

I can only hope that by my own emitting light, I can take away the internal chill that brings on your oblivion.

For warmth can be found in the coldest of winters, but this must start by welcoming in the night, to illuminate it later.

Eternal Optimism

Scales of Justice

Aptly my symbol.


Compelled to mediate.

Longing for peace,


in a world divided

by extremes.


I spend my days

using my gifts,

diplomatically debating:

Why disagreeing doesn’t

equal hate.


Frustration finds me

flailing in hopelessness.

Words fall on deaf ears.

Minds remain closed shut.

Am I wasting my breath?


Could be, maybe, possibly.

Though it matters not.

My heart won’t let me sleep.

Glass half full,

I persevere.


#3, Named

Hold my name on your tongue.

Warm and loving.

Let it roll down your throat.

Burn you from inside.

Hold my name in your hands.

Soft and gentle.

Let it crawl up your arms.

Silken your skin where it touches.

Hold my name in your mind.

Bright and pure for you.

Let it fill the darkest voids.

Waking your mind to the possibility.

Hold my name in your heart.

Shining and glittering.

Let it flood your heart.

Treasure my name the way I do yours.



Los Angles bound

Back to movie town

The place we go to be found

Stars & Lights

Where dreams are bright

And people fade like the smoggy night

LA bound

Back to creature town

The place u want to be

True Colours

If Colours were all we had

This would be a colourful world

It takes time to know

That not all that glitter’s is gold

Sometimes the things you love

It does not make any sense

as it may not understand

the colour of your love

I can see true colours shining through

It all shows in a different light

That’s right.

Fountain Garden

Sounds easy

Writing one poem every hour sounds easy, not so. It’s an emotional process. Poetry is about feelings and how we react, both reading and writing

Cat and I Hour 3

It is still dark on Maui

The birds haven’t started in yet

My cat lounges close

My behavior a study for him

The fan whines in the quiet

Here we are alone together

The rest of the world cannot

Does not exist

I falter though words and sounds

Too easily lost in my own thoughts

Thoughts that are lost in silence

We are sleepy, melting

2 strays living as family

Cat snuggles the couch

I snuggle the poem

The one that brought us together sleeps

Far far away in another room

The cat and I are content


Listening for the morning light