
what is love?

a tiny kitten

giant meows

found by you

broken leg 

snuggling you

such soft paws

fluffy tail

surrounds you 

while you both sleep

your arms

gently entwine

her too 


Hour Twenty-One: Running

Running into an old friend at the local coffee house,

we exchanged updates, what the kids are doing,

the old man’s work and music, jobs, and housing.


“Do you run any more?”


Marathons, half marathons, 10-k’s, 5-k’s, mud runs, fun runs,

I used to do them all, just because I could.

My knees held out, but my ankles caved from soccer, and

then I turned to a low-impact lifestyle.


“No, I stopped running a while back. I teach yoga now.”


And we chatted about the studio, my writing, teaching, volunteering,

return to school–only 100 hours left for my practicum–and the dogs,

cat, travels, certifications, and businesses.


“Wow! You’re so busy.

Even back then, you coached soccer, volunteered at school,

headed the art program, managed two club teams, ran a law office and

two kids to soccer games up and down the coast.

And then, didn’t you take your parents in?”


“I did. They lived with me for ten years before they died.”


And now, just the two of us, the cat, the dogs, and my ten jobs, in a two-bedroom

above my yoga studio, one of three businesses I run…


Busy-ness, so my therapists say, is a symptom of trauma.


I guess I’m still running.



#Prompt 21 – 2023

NOTE: Contains swearing.


Getting Old

Running days now over
They have been for a bit
I can’t even remember the last time
I subjected my body to all that sh*t
To be utterly honest
I was never that big a fan
If I saw the bus coming down the street
I’d wait for the next one was always a failsafe plan
The children used to keep me fit
Running about after them
But once that spread their wings and flew
I knew I’d never do it ever again
I’m more a couch potato these days
My lifestyle choice is cunning
I use my age and my advancing years
As the perfect excuse … to never again go running

2023 Poem Four

I Once Again Write About The Sky

I haven’t seen the stars in almost four months.

At least not ones that are actually in the sky above me in that moment.

Instead of I see miles of orange stretching across the horizon.

Not that delicious blood orange waves of

the sun tucking in for the night.

No, it’s that manufactured knock off of flames

covering the horizon until the sun returns again.

I’ve never gone this long without

the North Star pointing me home.

Too many people I don’t know can

see me surrounded by these streetlights and

I hear too many tires traveling across pavement.

It feels cruel that I can accidentally make eye contact with my neighbor

from each of our own living rooms yet

the universe gets hidden by an inventor long gone.


Running shoes is what I need now

Here is the footrace I’ve waited for.

Watch me on the marathon of your favorite

Investing time and energy –

I’ll have the great force to push the door open.

Whether it is a long or short-distance running

I’m ready to make the ground running.

Tainted Roots

Every time I begin to write about my ancestors I end up empty.

I appreciate the skills they’ve passed down.

I have their strong hands,

catered for creation,

I know the history of their endurance

But their silence came at cost:

the trauma guided them,

the privilege enabled them,

the blood elevated them.

The greatest burdens they’ve left me either drip in malignant pride

or a willing ignorance of a devastating magnitude.

(Hour 20)