Hour 21_2023: He

On mim ther iare too many part to the whoe that your  ador or at least from a distane admie until you can explore like how you find treasu ont he sea shore.

Shells , glass, animals, plants remnatnt like seaweed and drift wood and rock alll made new like the pearlixzed stain your your sand worn toes from your biloumicent treck into the golden gardens of the pacific ocean a tributary  of the puget sound.

Some came for fireworks yet the sparler like glow that your discoved in the sands and sea was enough for you and your greatul heart to make your summer complete. Just like when your mom cam to visit for a month to help you see your way and the musical pathe that you live.

This was infact the year you dicide to do what you wilhed and more imporatntly wah is trully good and works for you.

Wheter you choose to stay in a home that now feels new, or change to another job that is farther in distance yet specakd to apart of you theat you put on hold or if you choose to to go for a love that you dont want to explain other than all your senses are enlivened and feel the excitment that you alwayus knew you had yet were too timid to pursue.

You are finally in full bloom and you are not stopping now.

Youve fially given your self the persissum to be and to enjoy life on your terms.






Hour 20: Bioluminescent Blues

Two concerts later and I saw the unthinkable.

It was not planned.

Most memorable moments are born in this way, without expectation.

They seem to occur out of the blue.

People come through.
Nature does too.

Moments collide in perfect harmony and surprises fulfill wishes both spoken and silent.

That night we could barely hear, music so loud we almost lost our voices and hearing, yet our eyes adjusted to the light when we arrived.

In our quest to uncover the summer’s most mysterious and elusive occurrence we met a family who were visiting the state for the first time.

Another family gave up.

I still asked away, unwilling to walk away.

Until I met someone who stayed, just long enough to uncover what we all sought.

Unfazed by the tripod strewn haphazardly on the sand.

I would still try.

She too, a friend and fellow live music audiophile, was persistent in the search.

Now silently we forged on in the still of night near the waters edge.

And with a wave of a hand we discovered the unthinkable, an ultraviolet blue sparkle in the water that was only visible to the naked eye.

I think caught it on film, yet you’ll have to be the judge of that piece of poetry set to music.

In looking back I still wonder if the plankton we saw were energized by Fukushima’s nuclear spill into our shared oceans, allowing water into the sea or does this all occur quite naturally?

What’s That Smell? (Hour Fourteen, A Tricube)

What’s That Smell?


the air was

heavy with

the sweet smell


of success

as it blew

right past her


replaced with


of failure


(A tricube is comprised of three stanzas, with each stanza being three lines long, and each line consisting of three syllables. This was my final poem penned within the confines of the full marathon, and I was truly frustrated and disappointed in myself for not being able to complete the full event, even though I was working and having to write in between tasks, as well as the fact I recently have been experiencing major health issues, which also prevent me from being able to do everything I want when I would like.)

Hour 19: Dream Interpretations

Randomly I chose the fish, Sea Creature.

This is me implicitly.

My family and I always illicit the ocean in my dream world.

It is a reaccring theme.

Many variation, yet mymind lingers on this connection to the sea.

In particular, the Seal showed up for my poetry exploraing along with a paus on the mutable octopus.

The seal signifing Kundalini which I do not know intimately. Then it went on to explore our deepst instints being activated into the callinogf life eneris like dolphins and pourpose who reprst the contac and relaton with the deepoy uncontions state, natura faces within.

Life is not perparint blindly. Lifde the angel numbers taye say that isee daily sending message from beyond. The path is onece again clear.

If I stop and pause Isee the connnections the anient messageg of this earth sent to me numbors or not I am aware.

Most realdylo when my space is claear regardless of tiem space or place, emaotin up or downm I see all spectrusmsof color and shades of green

Attached to everything and held by nothing as the cliehe says I agree none the less with the univerals tenants of the TAO try as I might to go agains the grain a flow state will always reaslese me to see betwwen the words and actiosn if only I stop to listen and ovpern up all six sense.


Yes ther is a powerful unconsion engy anawarness not of one but of all life.

How many signs will it take as Jidenna says… UB40 plays along with the Marias and many others.

Pity the Pittie (Hour Thirteen, a Hall of Mirrors Hay(na)ku)

Pity the Pittie



see the

look of fear

creep across their

faces, their



with terror.

Tell me, Mommy.

I don’t understand.

What did



that scared

them so much?

Did I speak

too loud?



wrong for

giving them kisses?

I only wanted

to show



don’t they

like me? I’m

a good girl,

aren’t I,



(The Hall of Mirrors Hay(na)ku is another one of my format variation creations. The original format, hay(na)ku, is a three line poem, where the first line is one word long, the second line two words, and the third line consists of three words. The reverse hay(na)ku is also three lines, but the first line is three words, the second line two, and the last line only one word. In 2019, I combined one verse of hay(na)ku and one verse reverse hay(na)ku and created the mirror hay(na)ku. The next year, I took things a step further and gave birth to the Hall of Mirrors hay(na)ku, which consists of five mirror hay(na)ku stanzas. This poem is what I feel like my super sweet pit bull DotDot might say if she could talk to me.)

Hour 6 – Mantra for self

Shed your old skin
resist the urge
to stay warm in comfort.

Instead go out
into the freezing cold
let your body adapt to
the cold.
it knows how to.

Challenge old beliefs about yourself
your doubts and misconceptions
your fears and anxieties
your failures and your perspectives.

Look beyond the skyline.

Explore your potential.
Become unlimited by your ambition and hard work

That’s where giving up is out of the question
and no regrets is part of the deal.

You give it all you got.
You fight hard.

You build yourself brand new day after day.

Hour 18: 2023 “Come as you are”.

Love asks you to come as you are.

Love is always a pleasure to hold even when it’s old.

Love stirs the heart, excites the mind, and is full of mystery and knowing.

Love is unpretentious and real.

Love finds beauty even in defeat.

Love will make a seat for you and invite you to the table to eat soul food and drink to quench your thirst.

No moment will be dull in love’s eyes.

She is bliss.

As is he.

He can feel and she can see.

Together they both can be.

Love desires to be set free and captured by the same person.

Love releases you form fears and convention.

Love makes you tremble in angst with just the mere thought, and aught not hurt.

Pleasure and pain’s principle is taken lightly in love.

Love is you,God, and everything in between.

Love can take you to the highest high and the lowest low.

Love is nature.

Love is thought.

Love is real in a harsh world. It is kind, loud, and quiet at the same time.

Love knows no borders, yet boundaries is a must.
Loves needs to be deep.
Real love come find me and capture my heart.

Come find me soon. The mind is willing, and the heart is strong.
Make sure we enter into this meeting of the hearts mutually.
This is the way for me to enter into love.