Hour 19: Dream Interpretations
Randomly I chose the fish, Sea Creature.
This is me implicitly.
My family and I always illicit the ocean in my dream world.
It is a reaccring theme.
Many variation, yet mymind lingers on this connection to the sea.
In particular, the Seal showed up for my poetry exploraing along with a paus on the mutable octopus.
The seal signifing Kundalini which I do not know intimately. Then it went on to explore our deepst instints being activated into the callinogf life eneris like dolphins and pourpose who reprst the contac and relaton with the deepoy uncontions state, natura faces within.
Life is not perparint blindly. Lifde the angel numbers taye say that isee daily sending message from beyond. The path is onece again clear.
If I stop and pause Isee the connnections the anient messageg of this earth sent to me numbors or not I am aware.
Most realdylo when my space is claear regardless of tiem space or place, emaotin up or downm I see all spectrusmsof color and shades of green
Attached to everything and held by nothing as the cliehe says I agree none the less with the univerals tenants of the TAO try as I might to go agains the grain a flow state will always reaslese me to see betwwen the words and actiosn if only I stop to listen and ovpern up all six sense.
Yes ther is a powerful unconsion engy anawarness not of one but of all life.
How many signs will it take as Jidenna says… UB40 plays along with the Marias and many others.