Snatched (Poem 18)

Snatched (Poem 18


The raven’s eye looked terrified

It was in shock as the companion flew away

The flying stroke as if conveying to the onlooking bird

What I deserve

I must get

I’ve worked hard to earn it

And if someone tries to take it away from me

I’ll snatch it right away !






In response to image prompt number 18

Hour 11

Realized I probably should’ve been noting when I don’t us the prompt for the hour… oh well


Hour 11


Every seven years I have a new body

All my cells have changed

And yet I feel the same 

I wonder how many years it takes

For my soul to change

For my spirit to find new beliefs

To think in new shades

How many years do I wait

Hour 19–How Can It Be?

A harbor with no ice? Is true!

What fishing boats supposed to do?

And residents with dying fridge

without the cubes we wish to bridge

across the waters of our thirst

our patience true about burst

we make our way and simply pay

we buy bag ice da kine Safeway


Poem for Hour Nineteen (19/24)

My mother is almost certainly a corvid.

If you look at the signs, I am sure it’s in her,

Right down to the genus and species.

See, she’s:

Smart as a tack,

She can solve complex problems without ever skipping a beat,

She’s got a very long memory,

And it goes back,

As far as any eye can see.

She’s cunning,

A survivor through and through,

She wears all black,

And has talent for planning creatively.

She loves to play,

And she thrives in the rain.

Keeps her beloved, tight family,

Close to her home-base tree.

Hour 18 prompt



In the hallways of your school,
You may see a child who seems different
She may be the girl who always sits alone
Or the boy who never talks to anyone
Or a child who just cannot stop laughing or crying

They look different from you-
They are a little bit different than you
They are just referred as Children with special needs

They are the ones who are never allowed to play
They are the ones who are never chosen first
They are the ones who are often stopped by a stranger in the street and asked
“What’s wrong with you?”
They are the ones who get told they are not normal and should stop disturbing others

They have parents who love them, but are constantly worried
About how their kids will survive after they grow old
These kids must deal with bullies at school
These kids must bear nasty words of some of their relatives

They go through so much of pain, but they still expect the best from all of us
They are quick to smile and slow to judge
They have no malice or politics to play against each other
You, special children are beautiful beings to teach us something new
Even if the world laughs at you and blind to your talents
You are often misunderstood, underestimated, and ridiculed
One day the world will realise, what they lost when they pushed you aside




We saw each other.

Warm feelings.

Hobbied excitement.

Going places.

Hang out with plans that never happen.

Enjoying each other with the presence.

Mortar and Pestle

Hour Eighteen 3993

Sun-stroked gardens
season stained carpets
of variegated color-
the clean scent of greenery
and herbs a pleasant arousal
to the senses.
The Chickweeds gather in droves
clucking away with banter
cleaving to the Cleavers
until Evening Primrose.
Goats Rue the interruption
while nursing their young
as Honeysuckles at their teat.
Jack the preacher In The Pulpit
wears a Scullcap complimenting
an Old Man’s Beard and
bearing Solomon’s Seal
from St. John’s Wort
chastising the Lyre Leaf Sage
for the Sassafras to their Motherwort
who then threatens to wash
their mouths with Soapwort,
a custom in Sweet Ciscily.
The Trillium trinity
a blessed purity
and Speedwell
the ailments to healing.

Her Dad is a Diesel Mechanic, or Annoying My Girlfriend and Her Mom (19)

He sewed his thumb back on in the woods

with some fishing line

I have broken my arm twice

and each time I sucked in a lot of air and teared up

waiting in a clean hospital ER for a bed

going like this:


and been a bitch otherwise my entire life

when he tells me about them boys at work

running the machines into the ground

I go along with him

and say, you can’t find anybody worth a durn

and he agrees with a grunt

then tells me about being shot at by union men

that wanted the job he and his father took

because it was their state

and his father almost ran them over with a truck

and he tells me that he once went

to a martial arts gym and the black belt instructor

couldn’t do anything to keep him down

one time a guy picked him up in the air

with a lift and shook it so he might fall

much to the laughs of the other men

and he put vice grips around this man’s chest

and squeezed on them until ribs were broken

after he finally let him down

and I nodded and grunted and yessir’d my way

up until my girlfriend’s mom asked me

what tool he’s referring to when he talks about

fixing this thing on the cherry pickers they broke

I stutter for a second and then turn to look at her

now joined by my girlfriend

grinning like hungry wolves.