First poetry marathon

Hello fellow poets 🙂

I am excited to be involved in this marathon (or half-marathon) and will be preparing my writing area today.

Preparation involves lots of food, coffee, paper, a bin, and a great deal of trepidation.

I am currently a very mature aged student where writing poetry is seen as some sort of torture that only those with madness ingrained would like. I love writing poetry, be it rhyming, free form, whatever calls to me at the time.

I am definitely looking forward to the adventure and reading others poetry. What a glorious way to spend a Saturday!

Good luck to everyone involved, enjoy the process; onward and upward we write!



2 thoughts on “First poetry marathon

  1. Sharon,
    OMAIWORD! Thank you so much for sharing this! I thoroughly enjoyed every word, and loved that you took the liberty to write about ‘unpoetic’ [is that a word? It is now cus I used it!] subjects and turned it into masterpieces. In my dreams – connected directly to my heart-strings!
    Thank you so much for sharing

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