Evening settles in as the moon shines on the cheeks of tomatoes still ripening in the warmth of yesterday’s sun
Canning jars glisten with the expectation of children running down the hall to the kitchen
Steam curls out of the kettle on the stove
She contemplates the chamomile she is too tired to stand and steep
Head resting in her hand
her elbow padded by this afternoon’s teabag
It won’t be long before the kettle sings from the wood stove just in reach
Tiny frogs chirp along the tree line
the last gasp before summer’s end
Photo: Ehedaya
This one made me smile. I was contemplating making tea, but was to tired to go make it after the marathon. I was able to travel this little journey of your poem. Thank you. I enjoyed it.
Me too…
Going to sleep with my alarm set…
I am so glad I could take you somewhere for a moment
This is great! Such strong multi sensory images.
Beautiful! I can feel her exhaustion.