blue like the centre

if i could live in these veins,

holding this being in the palm of my hand

held over my heart in longing to breathe you back into life

in the sun in the field under the sky

blue like the cleansing of my want

to live in the veins of this being

connected to my centre and their centre

linked umbilicus to umbilicus

mother and child in the cradle of the sky

littered with all those ancestors who placed me

in the way of this being

so I may live in these veins of blue.

(c) r. l. elke

4 thoughts on “blue like the centre

  1. You are so gifted at repetition! I feel like you make me see the same line so many different ways, you surprise me by the same words repeatedly.

    There are so many good lines in here, and the poem as a whole is powerful magic but I limited myself to this:

    “blue like the cleansing of my want
    to live in the veins of this being”

    1. Thank you. I was really happy with this one, too. I was so tired. I think that those late poems are just beings on their own, unfettered by my editor (and I don’t really give them much place in my writing) out of exhaustion. I was mesmerized by the image. It is so delicate and beautiful.

  2. I’ve read a few of your poems, and two things jump out. 1. Your subtle integration of spirituality and 2. your ability to create an image through color and sound. When I read poetry I read the poems aloud so I can follow what the poet is doing with use of language. Thess poems are readable and moving.

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this feedback. I am a very audio writer/reader as well. If I can’t hear it, I don’t write it. Thank you for taking the time.

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