Outside my running car
freezing, from home far
left early to beat a storm
only now my key is safe and warm
In 96 it tortured me
frantically trying to get in, you see
a blizzard brewing high and low
a manager helping but no-go
Angry, finally getting in
driving home, no snow within
and now I fear I’ll be trapped again
inside a frozen drift – no-win
Scared now, road barely seen
ice caking on my windshield thin
on the ground, no trace of green
I ponder, amidst the motor’s din
When finally I make it home
another trap assaults my bones
within abode I’m caught, dear me
without those staples I need to BE
and days it stayed that way … three!
The blizzard of 96 it was
but not so free of slush because
now snowplows push street-snow in
both car and me are stuck again.
-Sandra Johnson, 6/22/19
Again, your rhyme schemes are excellent.