17. Technology

How will you reach your demise? When the sun scorches the skies. Or when one cannot touch his thighs.

Will we succumb to the unrest?To the distress?

You are linked to the world near and far, yet you make us appear distant and overly attached.

Unattached from human connection when you are near, how focused are we really to that pen-pal technology friend that we all share?

What will be next to go extinct, the cellphone we desperately cling to, the pocket microphone, the thumb drive, the printer, or the remote control that we would gladly trade in? This is how it has always been.

Oh technology you save us and you also do us in, what will we do without you?

We use you in someway everyday.

Some of my greatest days are when you are nowhere insight. Especially when I am inflight.

Too few to remember, so the memories become more special.

No need to compromise, I like to incorporate pictures into my everyday life, but we may need a sun flare to get us back on track. We may try to get you back.

Even though it is too late. Like the flip phone, you did not go out of date.

it was just matter of time before you came back in style.  Just give us a break once in a while.

I hope that  G.P.S. does not ever go extinct, even though a compass is cool to navigate. Don’t bring us to the brink. E.T.A.’s are a feature we like.  It works best on cars and motorcycles , not necessarily a bike.Yet, we like it a lot.  At least I do 🙂


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