A Physics Time Capsule: The Quantum Randomness and Entanglement of the Biology of Bees, Birds, and Butterflies Hour 5

The “investigation of the behavior of migratory birds and carrier pigeons may someday lead to the understanding of some physical process which is not yet known,” Einstein commented on the behavior of bees, not mentioning butterflies specifically.

How beautiful is it to still have mystery in our natural world.

Unlike birds we do not travel lightly.

We both have animal magnetism and sensory perceptions that baffle the mind and drive our internal magnetic compass.

We collect more than shells, stones, and glass on our travels when near the sea.

Do we leave behind any mystery?

A legacy?

What is there left for us to see, to be?

You want to see the seven wonders of the world: The Great Wall of China, Chichén Itzá, Petra, Machu Picchu, Christ the Redeemer, the Colosseum, and the Taj Mahal.

I want to see the seven natural wonders of the world:The Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon, Paricutin, Mount Everest, Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Victoria Falls, and the Great Barrier Reef.

You can’t out do me.  Why not team up and experience them mutually?

I have no qualms about following and learning from the masters up until a certain point, and then I must break free!

Forge my destiny.

Find my own path, create my own map.

Construct my own time capsule.

Create my own traditions.

Design my own list…

Where will your first destination be?

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