The End. Reimagined.

The end was once concrete and clear, hard and pointed.

Summer’s end comes knowing that the moments will be savored.

The rising and setting of the sun each day makes way for the waxing & waning of the moon an ancient reminder of how nature marks the passage of time, our most precious resource.

The possibility of a new day once came in unadorned, without obligatory chores, and was willed more by desire than by need.

Or so it seemed, the promise of a fresh page, a new day to do, to live in a waking dream to pursue the actions that time put a limit on.

The end is close, yet it is not to be feared. It is only a state of mind because once you enter through the gate you realize that you walk past pillars of granite and marble once thought to be stoic, the epitome of perminance and then now you realize that the end is the only true path to the new…a renewal, a necessary progression.

The end only marks a transient moment in time.

One learning how to marinate memories realizing that the end is not meant to harbor your thoughts or hold you back in the slightest.

The end is a delicate stepping stone that one can lightly walk upon until they decide to move to the next vista without gingerly accepting hesitation.

A brief pause in the rhythm of life. A period that gives way to a new sentence, an original thought. A new paragraph or chapter that needed the end to make every new start.

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