Thoughts On Love

I tried to love another But my love failed You made me cry And I Pushed you away. Love is the emotion That I hate to feel most Of all. Alone, nestled in my Thoughts is where I’d Rather be, not With another that Can…

To start at the end

Open. Widen. Rip. Tear. Twist. Push. A soul’s first first journey, at the expense of another. A mother’s gift to her babe, a gift unreturnable, unpredictable, a present to create presence. Love begets agony, at its peak — silence. Time freezes, the world is created…


I am so excited to do this marathon! It is going to be amazing 🙂 My name is Cheryl and I am from Michigan. I will be working bar tending Saturday so this should be awesomely intense and fun!

22 – Love is

Love is not what you read in a bubblegum wrapper. Love is not what religions are trying to teach you. Love is not necessarily blind. Love is not always simple or easy to maintain. Love is a wild being that doesn’t stay still. Love is…

A Promise

I’d like to begin with a confession: I am not an expert in love.* In fact I am not an expert on many things. I can’t sing. I can’t dance. I struggle with rhyming. But I am willing to try. To try my best. To…

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

A Drifter and a traveler, were always solider of fortune, travelling on trail of time, sinking in their experiences, of burning and bruises, of marks on skin which weren’t enough to bleed, of fire which was still alive with air they breathe, seeking their way…

Run Away with Me

I ask myself Where would we run to? A foreign country. A place across the pond. Start a new life, with new names. Would we miss the old one too much? The friends and family left behind. Memories from a years long ago. What would…

Poem 14

The stars sprinkled down around us As I looked into the blue sky of your eyes The sun tucked itself in behind its purple blanket The moon hung above on its silver beams to watch over us The tide rose and fell in syncopation with…

Sestina for the Night

As the clock strikes midnight my mind is on something beautiful Away in the city she is who I long to be with this night We don’t need any words or to speak just us together touching It is as if the only language we have is our love…

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