
They say we need to see each other for this to be real. I say we need to feel each other, and that’s not always physical. They say we need to speak the same language, and we don’t. I say we speak many, and it…

My Choice Bit of Calico

Devout-actor Brilliant-playwright Provocative-writer Pizza-lover Ice cream-eater Taste-tester Awe-inspirer Loyal-lover Secret-keeper Best-friend Love-maker A woman who stole my heart.  


Poem Six for The Hour Six life is so precious to live for we tend to f I n d what’s the best cure asking for r e a L remedies from door, down, under plunge yourself t O the pool of satisfaction get energized,…

In his eyes

I see her in the light She refuses to see herself A beautiful masterpiece Her flaws Become the magnifying Glass To the infinite possibilities Of her being When she looks in the mirror I see that she’s staring Right Back at me Our eyes lock…

#5 – Miracle

tiny little hands ten toes curl then open slow a sweet yawn escapes my heart overflows with love at the miracle i made


This is not a love poem to a person. I have left many of them behind, and none of them have chosen to stowaway in my heart or mind or otherwise to be remembered. This is not a love poem to the home I left…


She had eyes the colour of the Islay Sea. Her hair silk and russet. Against the paleness of her marked skin.There was strength in her that burned…. a quasar. When she spoke you listened. As if someone had whispered into your soul. With that it grasped your…

Poem 4

Old man, cane in his right hand, Old woman, cane in her left. Leaving church, sharing prayers, turn to look at each other, a smile on their lips, laughter in their eyes, their free hands joined in the middle, bridging their hearts across years of…

good catch

Poem Three for the Hour Three my father was a fisherman he had his fishing tackles kept at the backyard store room i loved the fresh catch freshwater fish, prawns and shells i would asked him why he needed to fish his answer was, ”i…