Hour 4 text prompt – Unity

Your challenge is to write a poem about the topic of marriage, without ever using the word marriage, and while also ideally avoiding the words spouse, husband, and wife. We started off with promise a love so deep it conflicted With every other chiding adult…


He is her safe harbour in every storm She eats all the chocolate He keeps house while she dreams of creating beauty An echo of the life she lives still in the honeymoon  when she wakes beside him looks at his sleeping face and remembers…

Hour 13 – Divorce – Text Prompt

Many believed for years that divorce was wrong A sin by religious standards, an escape for adulterers There’s even a King with whom we associate A fanciful rhyme for his wives he left Divorced, Beheaded, Died: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived There’s a lot of harm from…


Perfect magnolias Each petal precisely bloomed A satin ribbon trails The colour of golden cream Every inch you step Takes you a little bit further From me? to me? But I gave you legs Use them My hands will always be here To replace my…

A Modest Proposal

Marry me for my bad jokes. The ones that our dad would probably make. And that sometimes you know… you find them funny. Or make them to yourself. Marry me for the way we watch sad movies together. As I cringe and cry with you…


“We need to talk.” A phrase to chill the warmest blood. “We need to talk.” The peril of the neighbourhood To make male faces pale as chalk, Suburban couples shorthand code For “Mister, you done messed up good!” “We need to talk.” Prompt: Use “we…